Pete Fully Broke During This SNL Skit Making Fun Of His Personal Life
It’s impossible not to giggle along with him.
It sounds antithetical, but some of the funniest Saturday Night Live moments are when the show goes off the rails and the actors can’t help but break character. It’s what made the iconic Disney World “Debbie Downer” sketch one of the show’s most memorably hilarious moments, and Billie Eilish proved breaking is still comedy gold when she lost it during a sketch in December. Even more recently, Pete Davidson could barely get through his SNL “Weekend Update” ferry sketch in the Jan. 22 episode because of his hilarious giggle fit.
Davidson popped in for a “Weekend Update” segment during the Will Forte-hosted episode to poke a bit of fun at his and co-star Colin Jost’s recent purchase. The two SNL stars bought a defunct Staten Island Ferry boat a couple of days prior to the episode as part of a group of investors who are reportedly planning to turn it into an arts and entertainment venue, per The New York Times. The $280,100 purchase was the perfect fodder for Alex Moffat’s recurring “Weekend Update” character, Guy Who Just Bought A Boat.
As Moffat’s character flew through his trademark pervy puns, Davidson could not contain his laughter. The comedian tried to hide his giggles behind a beer can he brought with him but had to turn away and cover his face as his laughter took over. It got so bad that Davidson could barely even get out his last line.
The “Weekend Update” segment was one of Davidson’s few appearances in the Jan. 22 episode — he also showed up in the cold open to portray tennis player Novak Djokovic, whose refusal to get vaccinated prevented him from participating in a recent Grand Slam tournament.
Interest in Davidson has skyrocketed in recent months as the SNL star has been spotted hanging out with Kim Kardashian frequently since the two kissed in a sketch when Kardashian hosted the show on Oct. 7. Neither of them has publicly addressed the relationship yet, although Davidson made a sly reference to his love life in the cold open of SNL’s Jan. 15 show.
Despite all the speculation and even some high-profile drama going on in Davidson’s life at the moment, he clearly knows how to laugh it all off.