Side-By-Side Photos Of 'PLL' Cast From Season 1 And Now Will Blow Your Mind
Well, the day is almost upon us. All the stress and anxiety of wondering who A.D. is will soon be coming to an end as Pretty Little Liars airs its final episode ever this week. (Who ever thought they'd hear those words?!)
Throughout the course of its lengthy run on TV, Pretty Little Liars has maintained a reputation for being a rollercoaster of thrills and drama, and, TBH, not much is different this season. Sure, we've been focused on a new hooded villain all season, but every episode has always been packed with the same excitement, twists, and turns we have come to expect from the Rosewood Liars.
One thing that has noticeably changed over the years, though, is the way the cast looks. That's right, the babyfaced group we met in Season 1 is no longer so babyfaced. They've all grown up, and their transformations might just shock you more than when Alison walked her happy ass right back into our lives in Season 4.
Take a look at how the cast looked in the very first season vs. how they look now:
Troian Bellisario, Spencer Hastings
Ashley Benson, Hanna Marin
Lucy Hale, Aria Montgomery
Shay Mitchell, Emily Fields
Sasha Pieterse, Alison DiLaurentis
Jannel Parrish, Mona Vanderwaal
Ian Harding, Ezra Fitz
Tyler Blackburn, Caleb Rivers
Clearly, the stress of trying to unmask three separate mystery villains over the course of seven years hasn't hit the cast too hard. I mean, really? What's in the water in Rosewood? How do they seem to get better looking as they age?
In typical PLL fashion, I guess we may never know the answer to that question. But, hey, as long as we figure out who TF A.D. is this week, I can suck it up. Here's to hoping we aren't left with any major mysteries (and to hoping the cast continues to age like fine wine).