'RKOBH' Star Morgan Stewart Talks Manifesting Destiny To Get What You Want
Religious followers of E! Network's “Rich Kids Of Beverly Hills” reality show have gotten to know 27-year-old Morgan Stewart like a close friend and confidant over the years.
Following the lives of Stewart and a handful of her closest friends, the show premiered its fourth season on Sunday, and set the scene for another chance for fans to get even more personal with the Boobs and Loubs creator as she plans her nuptials to fiancé Brendan Fitzpatrick.
Elite Daily had the opportunity to catch up with Morgan to talk about everything from her upbringing, to the show, to her fitness clothing line with Touché LA and what she's most excited for next.
Though the Beverly Hills native kicks off our convo saying, “I wish there [were] parts of [me] that you didn't know from watching the show. Unfortunately, I feel like it's pretty much all out there,” there's more to her than meets the eye, or at least, what viewers might deduce from watching her shop and dine al fresco with Dorothy every week.
Stewart grew up in a humble household with one brother and two supportive parents who have now been together for 30 years. She rolls on about her “normal” upbringing and the friend group she's surrounded herself with since the seventh grade.
And although what's “normal” for every human being in this world means something different, Morgan is no stranger to the reality of her fortunate upbringing in Los Angeles. Of being stereotyped in the media and on reality television, Morgan says,
It's not like I've been living on a cloud my whole life. … My parents were very adamant from a young age to always remember how fortunate I was and that not everybody gets to live the same reality I do.
She's running errands as we chat -- killing two birds with one stone, if you will -- and her modest demeanor is unironically not up for question. Known for her larger-than-life personality, which she reveals has not changed since she was 5 years old (aside from maturing), it is clear Stewart could hold conversation with anyone about anything.
In other words, she's human. Her fortune and fame has not granted her some immortal status. In fact, for Morgan, she attributes most of her fortuities to manifesting destiny, a practice she's upheld through each area of her life: love, relationships and career.
Though she never intended on working a desk job, Morgan was intent on building a life for herself in the creative field. And contrary to popular belief, it was not an avenue down which she was given directions, a car and gas to get to the destination.
When she talks about her early twenties, a time when she was literally jobless and emotionally felt directionless, Morgan admits,
I was a little bit of a mess... I didn't have a sense of purpose the way I do now.
In 2010, Morgan launched her blog, Boobs and Loubs, which would act as nothing more than a personal outlet on which she could sound off when the timing felt right. It became a form of catharsis for a young woman trying to navigate life.
And for Morgan, who says, “I have a good sense about how things are going to work out or not work out,” she was right on the money -- literally.
She adds,
Right before I turned 25, I was like, 'You have a decision to make. You can turn 25 and it's going to turn 27 very quickly, or you can get ahold of your life and get in front of it and you can decide what you want.'
With that, Morgan nixed the bullsh*t in favor of investing her energy into building a proper future for herself, and within three months, opportunities came knocking organically.
In early 2014, “RKOBH” premiered its first season and simultaneously added commitment and purpose to Morgan's life. Of the show, she says,
It's lent itself to forming a work habit. It's forcing me to build a work ethic that maybe I didn't have before. It's causing me to be more responsible.
All friends prior to filming the show, the “RKOBH” co-stars, whom Morgan refers to now as her family, will be attending her intimate wedding celebration with Brendan Fitzpatrick, which Morgan reveals will host about 150 guests.
Together for almost four years now, Stewart and Fitzpatrick will tie the knot after knowing each other for 10 years.
Though they met about a decade ago, Morgan isn't shy about recounting her relationship history, which is easily summed up in four, long-term, invested relationships. She says, “I feel like I've been equally single and attached,” remembering what it was like not long ago to be dwelling on an ex-boyfriend who wouldn't call, or flirting with a guy who didn't seem to have any interest.
The dating scene can be a brutal, unforgiving bitch, and although she's finally settling down with the love of her life, Morgan again pays homage to manifesting what you want in a relationship in order to find it. She says,
You can't be open to everything. People say, 'You should just be open to everything!' But at the end of the day, you know yourself best. And it's important to put out in the universe what you want.
In addition to planning her upcoming wedding, which she admits has been more of a chore than fun, Morgan officially launched her fitness fashion collaboration with clothing company Touché LA on Monday. An avid yogi, she relies on practicing to keep her mind centered.
The only thing missing from her weekly habit was the ideal workout gear, a happy medium between functional and stylish, and it's there she found opportunity to manifest yet another creative endeavor.
Early next year, Morgan is also excited to share the release of her first book, an accumulation of musings from her website, which she hopes will connect with other women experiencing common struggles and encourage them to have a voice.
When it comes to her success, wealth and status, Morgan proclaims,
Everything has happened because I've manifested it and I really wanted it to.
Albeit feeling genuinely happy for the 27-year-old who has struggled as any other 20-something to establish herself, I can't help but wonder how she feels about the naysayers who see a beautiful blonde flourishing on television and discount her hard work, owing it to nothing more than being a "rich kid."
“I genuinely don't care what people think about me,” she says plainly, adding,
My life hasn't been perfect. Just because you have money or you have opportunity doesn't mean that gives you a sense of purpose and that gives you a good direction in life. At the end of the day, ['RKOBH'] just a title of a show, it's not something that represents me.