Samantha Bee's Speech Imagining Hillary Clinton As President Is Everything
As if she was trying to make our deepest dreams come true, Samantha Bee gave us a look into the alternate universe of Hillary Clinton as president of the United States.
During her "Not The White House Correspondents' Dinner" special on TBS, Samantha Bee addressed the crowd of press, celebrities and comedians with a look into what life would be like if "Madame President" was our reality.
With President Donald Trump hitting the 100-day mark into his presidency, it's only right we take a look at what Hillary Clinton's first 100 days would be like. Bee joked,
What a 2017 it's been so far, huh guys? Hillary Clinton was sworn in as president. The Patriots lost the Super Bowl. Lemonade won Album of the Year. Every print of La La Land spontaneously combusted.
Bee continued, saying Hillary Clinton's first 100 days were basically full of just getting shit done. She joked, "I almost feel like I'd rather have an idiot like Trump in charge just for the excitement." HMMMMM. Can't really say I agree with you there, Sam.
Despite the laughs, the speech also hit some super emotional notes. Bee addressed Hillary, saying,
You may have your faults, but because of you, I can tell my daughters they can do anything and that sexism won't hold them back. The world will not magnify their faults and ignore their virtues because of their gender. That time has truly passed. No hard feelings, men.
Preach. Retweet. I couldn't have said it any better. Bee finished up her speech, saying,
If there's one message that echoes from this dinner, let it be that women's rights are human rights and human rights are men's rights. Once and for all, thank you, God bless, and don't forget to tip your waiter, James Comey.
God bless YOU, Samantha Bee.
Editor's note: This post previously included a quote from a draft of Samantha Bee's speech that did not make it to air. The article has been edited to reflect the jokes broadcasted on TBS.
Citations: Samantha Bee Imagines an Alternate Universe Where Hillary Clinton Is President (Vulture)