'SNL' Has Kellyanne Conway Pulling A 'Fatal Attraction' With CNN's Jake Tapper
During the last episode of "Saturday Night Live," the cast and writing were on fire.
Not only did the variety show have Alec Baldwin's Trump going on the "People's Court" to argue against the three-judge appeals court's decision to not reinstate the immigration ban, but the show also had its highest ratings in six years.
Of course, there was also this superlative sketch that showed Kellyanne at her craziest.
In this sketch, Jake Tapper refuses to bring Kellyanne Conway on the air after the most recent (and very real) instances where she demonstrated her lack of credibility.
First, she cited a terrorist attack that never happened (the Bowling Green Massacre) and then, she had to be counseled after shamelessly plugging Ivanka Trump's clothing line on the air.
But I digress. Let's get back to the sketch, shall we?
Well, Kellyanne breaks into Jake Tapper's home and goes into full-on stalker mode.
Playing the part of the White House counselor, Kate McKinnon would do Glenn Close proud. Just like "Fatal Attraction," which the sketch hilariously parodies, Kate's Kellyanne pleads, threatens and writhes around when she doesn't get her way.
She even directly quotes Glenn's character Alex Forrest when she demands,
I will not be ignored, Jake.
And how can you ignore Kellyanne's seductive tactics like this incredible shimmy Kate did when talking about a possible "ethics violation?"
Of course, Kellyanne ends up having to put a knife to Jake's throat in order to get what she wants, but when he offers up a spot on Fareed Zakaria's show, Kellyanne screams,
I have an office in the fucking White House.
Well, at least for now...
Finally, Jake acquiesces.
But then, Kellyanne accidentally falls out of an open window. However, she creepily resurrects herself before telling Jake she still has three more lives. *Shudders*
When it comes to Kate's impression, Kellyanne can live forever on "SNL" in my opinion.
Citations: 'SNL' casts Kellyanne Conway and Jake Tapper in 'Fatal Attraction' remake (Mashable)