Even Pippa & Diana's Actors Were Shocked By That Tell Me Lies Twist
"I was like, 'What?'"
No, you weren’t imagining things; the Tell Me Lies Season 2 premiere really did just reveal those two characters are somehow a couple now. After playing coy with her friends about who she’s been dating in the 2015-set flash-forward, Pippa returned home to her lover, who turned out to be none other than Diana. Um, what!? The unexpected pairing wasn’t just shocking for viewers — Sonia Mena and Alicia Crowder tell Elite Daily they were just as surprised by the coupling.
“[Showrunner] Meaghan [Oppenheimer] just told me, ‘Oh, by the way, this is happening.’ And I was like, ‘What?’” Crowder (who plays Diana) recalls. “I had no idea how they came together, and I still think there's a lot to explore with them.”
“I didn't actually know how or why they found themselves together for months,” Mena (who plays Pippa) says. “It was just like, ‘This is happening.’”
The actors say they did not know about the future relationship during Season 1, so fans shouldn’t waste their time going back and trying to dissect the few Pippa/Diana scenes. They found out about the romance from Oppenheimer months before getting any scripts for Season 2, so they were in the dark about how these two got together for quite some time.
It seems clear that explaining Pippa and Diana’s relationship will be a major storyline this season. The two characters barely interacted at all in the first season, and when they did it was more adversarial than anything else. But they’re already growing a bit closer at the start of Season 2, with the second episode showing Diana taking care of Pippa after she blacked out at a party.
Pippa and Diana aren’t the only surprising 2015 relationship that needs some explaining this season. The Season 1 finale ended with the bombshell that Stephen had gotten engaged to Lucy’s friend Lydia in the flash-forward. It’s still unclear how those two met and struck up a romance, but it looks like fans will start getting some answers in the upcoming episodes.