Taylor Swift's Stripped-Down Version Of 'Blank Space' Is lncredible (Video)
In all honesty, "Blank Space" is one of the most iconic music videos of all time.
Not only does the video take place in a beautiful home, but T Swift loses her mind, cries on her bathroom floor, stabs cake with a knife and rolls around trying to murder a very good-looking man.
Yeah, it's psycho as f*ck AND brilliant. This is art.
In a new video, Taylor Swift talked about "Blank Space" and how it was written to play with the rumors about her dating life. You see, a few years ago, Taylor was known as the super clingy ex-girlfriend who cried about boys obsessively. The best part about it is she was totally into it.
In the video above, Taylor cracked some jokes (that were actually pretty funny) about her relationship with the media and her inspiration for "Blank Space." She then performed this version of the song, and it will blow you away. Seriously, this girl is so freaking talented.
While the clip was from September 2015, when Taylor performed at the Clive Davis Theater to celebrate her Grammy Museum exhibit, the Taylor Swift YouTube just uploaded the video yesterday
I've got chills, Tay. Chills.
Citations: Taylor Swift Performs Gorgeous Acoustic Version of 'Blank Space': Watch Here (Us Weekly)