Knock-A-Doodle-Doo, It’s Time To Find Out The Ted Lasso Character You Are
Your zodiac sign will reveal all.
It’s game time once again. Ted Lasso is back for Season 3 on Apple TV+, and fans are over the moon. So over the moon, in fact, they’re looking to the cosmos to find the Ted Lasso character they are, according to their zodiac sign. If you’re in the same boat, I suggest taking the time to prepare some of Ted Lasso’s secret biscuits to feast on while I fill you in.
If you haven’t caught on to the Jason Sudeikis-led comedy yet, allow me to break it down for you quickly: Ted Lasso is show about a beloved American football coach — named Ted Lasso, of course — recruited to revamp an English football team. Considering American football is far from the same sport as association football (aka soccer in the States), Lasso is not exactly embraced by his newfound community. By the end of Season 1, you’ll find that the series is packed with humor and drama, but will also warm your heart at the same time.
Sports fans and non-sports fans alike can take a lot away from this series. Being thrown into hot water is usually very uncomfortable, but it can produce some incredible results. With the help of Coach Beard, Ted is able to successfully whip his team, AFC Richmond, into shape, while also sparking exciting new beginnings for multiple faves. Each character experiences a lot of personal growth throughout the first two seasons. If you’re looking to see which one you best align with, per your zodiac sign, you won’t have to wait until Season 4 to find out.
Aries: You’re Jamie Tartt
Assertive and competitive, your personality aligns with Jamie’s perfectly. He’s constantly eager to win, and has confidence like no other. While his desire to be the best can get him in trouble at times, he ultimately discovers that it can be a little lonely at the top. Like you, he’s eager to achieve anything he puts his mind to — and, honestly, he doesn’t lose too often.
Taurus: You’re Keeley Jones
Supportive and reliable, your sign has a lot in common with Keeley. She prioritizes her relationships and personal pleasures, which is pretty on brand for you, a Venus-ruled sign. At the end of the day, you’re just looking for something sweet and simple, and Keeley often finds herself doing the same.
Gemini: You’re Coach Beard
Witty and communicative, Coach Beard fits the chatty Gemini archetype perfectly. While he has some difficulties communicating from time to time, he’s as smart as a whip. For you, it can be difficult focusing on one thing long enough to see it through, but you’re excellent at going with the flow. Like Coach Beard, books and mind games like chess are your best friend, and you excel at hobbies that involve your hands with ease.
Cancer: You’re Nate Shelley
Caring and compassionate, Nate is someone who’s willing to give the shirt off of his back for someone else (welp, at least he used to be). He was eager to help Ted and Coach Beard not for his own personal gain, but because he genuinely wanted to see them succeed. While he was oftentimes taken advantage of, he never let that stop him from being a good person (again, don’t let New Nate make you forget the OG). As a Cancer, you’re always looking for someone to take care of, without expecting anything in return.
Leo: You’re Roy Kent
Confident and a natural-born leader, you have so much in common with Roy Kent. He’s used to excelling at everything he tries with ease, and is the fan favorite of the league. Like the sun, your radiance shines bright and everyone that comes in contact with you can’t help but notice you. Using this attention for good can sometimes be a challenge, but you have the biggest heart and genuinely want to see everyone happy.
Virgo: You’re Leslie Higgins
As the Director of Communications at AFC Richmond and Rebecca’s assistant, Higgins is by far one of the most helpful and productive characters in the show (when he’s not being blackmailed by Rebecca or Rupert, of course). As a Virgo, you’re eager to be of service to others in order to get a job done. You have an eye for detail, making you an asset to any team. Your work ethic is incredible, and how much you help others with their problems is often unappreciated.
Libra: You’re Bex
Bex is social, beautiful, and likeable — it’s no surprise that she fits the Libra archetype. She prioritizes partnership throughout the series while dating Rupert, and like you, she takes relationships very seriously. While you can sometimes get mixed up with people who don’t always have your best interest at heart, your intentions are always pure, and connection is everything to you.
Scorpio: You’re Rebecca Welton
Determined and resilient, Rebecca’s sole mission at the beginning of the series was to sabotage the club’s attempt at success to get back at her ex-husband, Rupert. Feeling betrayed, a lot of her motivations were fueled by revenge, but as the show continues, she too wants to see the club succeed. Like Rebecca, you have an ambition like no other and will see your desires through. It takes you a while to trust people, so if they betray you, it can be difficult to move past it.
Sagittarius: You’re Ted Lasso
Supportive and aspirational, Ted’s ability to constantly look at the bright side is just like yours. He’s always looking for ways to uplift others, even if he’s not exactly equipped for the job. Like you, he’s able to stir up excitement in people and motivate them to accomplish their dreams. As a fire sign, your energy is warm and enthusiastic, making you perfect for any leadership position.
Capricorn: You’re Rupert Mannion
While Rupert’s character isn’t exactly a fan fave, he’s got many qualities that make him successful and an excellent businessperson, meaning that he’s obviously a shoe-in for Capricorn. You’re highly goal-oriented and you have initiative like no other, making you an outstanding leader, manager, or CEO. You have a tendency to work a little too much, but it’s only because you set such high expectations for yourself.
Aquarius: You’re Dani Rojas
Playful and lighthearted, Dani provides a lot of comedic relief on Ted Lasso, mainly through his quirkiness and unique storyline. Like you, there’s nothing traditional about Dani, and that’s what makes him stand out. You’re not afraid to go against the grain and be your authentic self, no matter who’s watching.
Pisces: You’re Sam Obisanya
Sam is by far the kindest player on the team, encouraging his teammates and showing compassion toward Nate while everyone else teases him. As a Pisces, you tend to advocate for the underdog and you hate to see others mistreated. You’re also an avid dreamer like Sam, who aspires to play on an Olympic team someday.
Ted Lasso Season 2 releases new episodes every Friday on Apple TV+.
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