Tefi Pessoa

Tefi’s Ready For You To Tune In

TikTok’s BFF is taking over the talk show with Influenced, premiering Aug. 1.

by Hannah Kerns

In Elite Daily’s series At The Moment, celebs and influencers dish on their current projects, pop culture hot takes, and everything taking over their group chats. Below, Tefi Pessoa talks about her new talk show Influenced and being a TikTok content creator.

Tefi Pessoa is nicheless. Scrolling through her page, you’ll see videos about Bob Ross’ complexities, the joys of getting a spray tan, and the problem with doing P.I. work — investigating crushes — for free. “I don’t want to be niche because I don’t believe people have niches. I just want to show the complexities of the human condition, where everything isn’t so unfor-f*cking-giving,” Pessoa tells Elite Daily.

While the algorithm often seems to promote TikTokers whose content falls into specific buckets, Pessoa’s videos do the opposite — but they still perform. Her nuanced approach to content creation (especially when it comes to her pop culture deep dives) has earned her 1.8 million followers on the app and interview spots on red carpets like the Met Gala.

Her career has plenty of perks — like taking her mom to the White House for a private tour — but there’s a downside. “It is a lonely job, and you don’t want to complain to people around you, because you’re terrified of sounding ungrateful,” Pessoa says. “But I really do talk to myself on the phone all day.”

Now, the 34-year-old is talking on TV instead of her phone. Influenced, which premieres Aug. 1 on Prime Video, is Pessoa’s latest project. The talk show brings together influencers with different backgrounds and identities (Pessoa describes her own as “a psycho from Miami”) to discuss everything from plastic surgery to why Gen Z is having less sex.

Pessoa is joined by Internet personalities Achieng Agutu, Eyal Booker, Taryn Delanie Smith, and Cyrus Veyssi. Safe to say this isn’t your mother’s talk show. “It doesn’t feel like The View. I’m not Joy Behar,” she says.

I embrace my Florida trash 100%. I got a tramp stamp at 33. What do you want from me?

What does she want the main takeaway for viewers to be? “To follow me? No, I’m just kidding,” she jokes. According to Pessoa, she hopes audiences see how co-hosts’ chemistry (they’re “best f*cking friends” who still talk everyday) and vulnerability make the 10-episode series special. “We were so honest and transparent. All of us had little mental breakdowns after filming, wondering if we shared too much. The producers were like, ‘No, it’s perfect,’” she says before adding, “When a producer says something’s perfect, that means I spilled entirely too much.”

Below, Pessoa spills just enough, discussing the essentials of brat summer, the behind-the-scenes of red carpet interviews, and why she has mixed feelings about TikTok tell-alls.

Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Elite Daily: What’s your favorite TikTok trend right now?

Tefi Pessoa: Probably the “Apple” dance. It is enthralling and it is the simplest thing, and I love it. People outing themselves as brats is incredible to me. I really love Charli. She’s a wonder.

ED: What’s one thing you need for a successful brat summer?

TP: A new piercing.

ED: Do you have a favorite going-out outfit this summer?

TP: Oh, my God, I’m so typical. I love a bikini top, jeans, and heels. I embrace my Florida trash 100%. I got a tramp stamp at 33. What do you want from me?

ED: What’s your favorite song for summer pre-games?

TP: “Heat” by Tove Lo.

ED: What about your favorite piece of pop-culture lore?

TP: Matthew McConaughey and Janet Jackson dating is probably up there, or Tom Cruise breaking Cher’s heart.

ED: Who has been your favorite red carpet interview?

TP: Anna Wintour was a cool one, but not because she was so warm and fuzzy.

ED: You had a viral interview with Jeff Goldblum at the Met Gala this year. Can you give any BTS of that moment?

TP: I heard Jeff Goldblum is a big flirt. I called over to him, “Jeff, come home. The kids miss you,” and he ran over. At the Met Gala, there are no PR reps. You’re shoulder-to-shoulder with these other publications, and everyone’s trying to get a sound bite.

I told the rest of the interviewers, “If I get a celebrity, I’ll pass them down,” so everyone could ask their questions. It worked — Jeff Goldblum went down the whole line and talked to everyone. Afterward, the other outlets thanked me for getting him. I was like, “I feel a little dirty, but we did it.”

ED: Describe the NYC influencer scene in one word.

TP: Young. I’m very blessed that the New York City influencers see me as a mom or a big sister.

ED: What’s your go-to advice for girls in the trenches right now?

TP: I was the oldest in my family, but I wish I had an older sister or somebody to turn to me and be like, “B*tch, get it the f*ck together.”

ED: For or against TikTok tell-alls?

TP: On social media, transparency, authenticity, and vulnerability is king. I’m the queen of that sh*t. However, sometimes I see stuff, and I’m like, “Girl, you don’t need to tell me all that.” You know what I mean? You don’t need to share everything.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.