38 The Office Quotes That Make Perfect Captions For You And Your Work Crew
Per my last email, that’s what she said.
Next to coffee, the only thing that gets you through the work week is your coworkers. Like the characters from The Office, you turn to them for entertainment during boring meetings, and for encouragement when you’re making big moves. And like the world’s second best boss (Michael Scott takes the mug for the No. 1 spot), they’re always there for you when it’s time to plan an office party, you’re crushing on the engaged receptionist, or you need someone to laugh at your latest prank. It’s about time that you gave them a shoutout on Instagram with a hilarious quote from The Office.
You may have a coworker who closely resembles Dwight and can be a little much with fire drills and Battlestar Galactica theories. Someone on your team may have cats like Angela, too, who always chime into virtual meetings. Would you really want it any other way, though? Even if you’re not working at your dream job, these people keep life interesting and are there for you when it matters most — like when you start a rival paper company or are featured in an art show.
At the end of a long day, or whenever you grab a drink at the water cooler, they make you laugh like your favorite sitcom crew. Not to mention they get the job done, even if it's in the name of procrastinating. *Enter, Jim Halpert.* Give them a shoutout the Dunder Mifflin way on social media by posting a pic with your work pals, complete with one of these captions inspired by The Office quotes. In the picture, you can pose with soft pretzels and act like it’s Pretzel Day, wear your favorite mustard-colored shirts, or smile like you just left the coveted Dundie Awards.
- "Per my last email, that’s what she said."
- "I am running away from my responsibilities. And it feels good." — Michael Scott
- "You and I are soup snakes." — Michael Scott
- "Our day at work was perfektenschlag."
- "Um, that wasn’t much of an introduction." — Michael Scott
- "How the turn tables..." — Michael Scott
- "Working 9 to 5:01, because we owe Dwight an extra minute."
- "Well, I like Pretzel Day." — Stanley Hudson
- "Sometimes I'll start a sentence and I don't even know where it's going. I just hope I find it along the way." — Michael Scott
- "I think that pretty much sums it up." — Michael Scott
- "I have very little patience for stupidity." — Kevin Malone
- "Do you remember Scott’s Tots? This is where they are now."
- "I didn't say it, I declared it." — Michael Scott
- "Make friends first, right?"
- "Call me as ASAP as possible." — Michael Scott
- "It's casual day." — Meredith Palmer
- "Mo' money. Mo' problems." — Michael Scott
- "I don't even consider myself a part of society." — Michael Scott
- "Do not care." — Stanley Hudson
- "You guys, I'm like really smart now. You don't even know." — Kelly Kapoor
- "I should probably get back to work." — Pam Beesly
- "I don't care what they say about me. I just want to eat." — Pam Beesly
- "We’re paper people."
- "Rule #1: No listening to 50 Shades of Grey.”
- "I'm boring myself just talking about this." — Jim Halpert
- "Whoa! That person has really gotten him or herself into quite a predicament." — Darryl Philbin
- "Are we filming a documentary? Be honest."
- "He put my stuff in Jell-O again." — Dwight Schrute
- "I just want to lie on the beach and eat hot dogs. That's all I've ever wanted." — Kevin Malone
- "Powerpoint, powerpoint, powerpoint." — Michael Scott
- "Nope. Don't like that." — Michael Scott
- "Sorry I annoyed you with my friendship." — Andy Bernard
- "Why are you the way that you are?" — Michael Scott
- "You just earned yourself a Dundie Award."
- "If we go out to lunch, I’m ordering gabagool."
- "Dunder Mifflin. This is Pam." — Pam Beesly
- "I’ve got dibs on the Snoopy mug!"
- "Actually, it’s Monday."
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