This Fan’s Reaction To Harry Styles Fist-Bumping Her Is Such A Mood
“Honestly, I blacked out.”
Everyone’s a fan of at least one celebrity... or ten. With that said, it’s no surprise that some people turn into the ultimate fangirl when they meet their favorite star. Some of these celebrity-fan interactions can become just as iconic as the celebrity itself, mainly because the fan’s reaction to their presence is just that good. Recently, a fan of Harry Styles proved that to be true and became weak at the knees when he acknowledged her in a crowd.
For context, on Apr. 27, Styles and Will Ferrell appeared as guests on the final episode of James Corden’s Late Late Show. Moments after the talk show host introduced Styles onstage, he stepped from behind the curtain and waved to the audience. The “Cinema” singer then locked eyes with an overwhelmed fan named Cyndi to his right. Styles widely smiled at Cyndi and lifted his hand to fist bump her, to which she returned the gesture.
Seemingly starstruck, she fainted and tried stopping her fall by clutching onto the rail beside her. That desperate hold appeared to fall short, as viewers can see Cyndi’s feet dangling in the air after she collapsed. Shortly after, Ferrell made the same journey down to the stage.
Not to be dramatic, but that’s an appropriate response to making contact with Styles. Other fans agreed, noting this moment oozed a “How does it feel to live my dream?” energy. This interaction went viral on Twitter the following day, and Cyndi arose from her dazed spell to address her reaction.
“THIS WAS ME AND I DID NOT FAINT. I simply gracefully melted into my seat after the man locked eyes w me,” she tweeted on Apr. 28.
Cyndi continued her testimony on TikTok, where she recalled the moment similar to a Martin Scoresese film. She began the video by thanking her friend Kim who purchased their tickets to the show. Cyndi then explained that she, Kim, and another friend had general admission tickets, which meant they weren’t guaranteed a seat inside the venue. However, they ended up scoring three seats in the last row, as seen in the video.
“I was kind of disassociating at this point, because I didn’t know if I could see this man. I don’t know if I can be in a small room with him,” Cyndi said in the TikTok, adding that audience members were asked to turn their phones off during filming. “That was kinda crazy, because the minute I found out I was going to be where Harry walks out, I immediately wanted to text my family and friends.”
Honestly, not one single text could have encapsulated her excitement seen in the episode. After wielding her Styles stan card, Cyndi explained her physical reaction leading up to her fainting spell.
“When I was finger wagging [at him], I remember saying: ‘Come on, king. Yes, king.’ That’s what made him look at me,” she recalled, adding she hesitated to hold her hand out for a handshake. Luckily, Styles met her halfway with a closed fist.
Clearly, the power Styles holds needs to be studied.
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