8 Emotional TV Breakups That Made Us Feel Like We Got Broken Up With Too
If you get way too emotionally invested in TV relationships, you've come to the right place: Rooting for your favorite on-screen couple – only to be blindsided when they break up – can hurt like a total bitch.
Take Chuck Bass and Blair Waldorf from “Gossip Girl,” for example. Even though they ended up together at the end of the series, their on-again, off-again relationship (and addiction to playing the cat and mouse game) made all of us emotional wrecks.
It honestly feels like you've been broken up with, too. And the worst part is, there's nothing you can do to fix it.
You're left hopeless, crying into your pillow for DAYS on end… and a bottle of wine can't seem to help matters, either.
Because you know that in the next episode, your favorite TV couple is (most likely) still going to be broken up. What do you even have to look forward to anymore?
Here are eight emotional TV breakups that made us feel like we got dumped:
1. Meredith Grey And Derek Shepherd From “Grey's Anatomy”
Hearts shattered everywhere when Derek chose Addison over Meredith.
They eventually end up together because they're soulmates (obviously), but the pain of Derek's choice when he left Meredith in the dust was SO damn real while we were going through it.
2. Lorelai And Luke From “Gilmore Girls”
It was clear ever since day one that Luke and Lorelai were meant to go together, like PB&J. We wept when Lorelai cheated on Luke with Christopher and the pair broke up.
But we know they got back together... and *SPOILER ALERT* the adorable couple comes in clutch in the "Gilmore Girls" revival with the beautiful Stars Hollow wedding they deserve.
3. Arizona And Callie From “Grey's Anatomy”
UGH, my heart will always ache for how things ended up playing out for #Calzona. Ever since day one, I loved Arizona and Callie together on "Grey's Anatomy."
They seemed like the ultimate fit.
After going to therapy and taking a break from one another, Callie ends up realizing this pause has been the best thing for her. She tells Arizona,
No matter how hard we try, we have to realize that some things can't be fixed.
And then, the powerhouse couple was so, totally over... like yesterday's news. We wept our fragile hearts out.
4. Elena And Stefan From “The Vampire Diaries”
There's no denying Elena and Stefan's relationship was addictive. It was passionate and so real.
And let's face it: There's something super sexy about the fact that he was a vampire and she was a human (for a good part of the show, anyway).
When Stefan and Elena broke up, most of us felt bittersweet. We were losing a bond we loved so much, but we were also gaining another bond we were kind of digging too.
The pain of Stefan and Elena breaking up, though, didn't hurt any less when Stefan realized Elena had feelings for his brother, Damon.
5. Lyla Garrity And Tim Riggins From “Friday Night Lights”
This Dillon, Texas couple made so many of us look forward to "Friday Night Lights" when it was on TV. Tim was always a badass, ride or die kind of a guy.
But when he was with Lyla, he held her on a pedestal.
She was the love of his life. And when she took off to college, we were all left wondering whether or not Tim and Lyla would rekindle their romance someday.
Lyla returned to town for Matt Saracen's dad's funeral, and she visited Tim in his trailer.
At the end of her stay, Tim revealed all he wants in this world is HER. She responds with, "What else do you want?"
When Tim dropped Lyla off at the bus, all of our tears started to pour because Lyla and Tim were no more.
6. Chuck Bass And Blair Waldorf From “Gossip Girl”
There were many times when Chuck and Blair just didn't work out. Love is hard work, right?
The duo ended things, but we instantly felt the pain every damn time they did.
Blair confessed to Chuck all he had to do was say three magical words to her, and she would be 100 percent his. The Basshole doesn't say it, and she leaves with Marcus. #Fail.
And we cried.
And remember that time Chuck left Blair totally hanging as she waited for him by the helicopter, in order to go on their romantic getaway together?
He never showed, and broke all of our hearts once again.
7. Rory And Jess From “Gilmore Girls”
Those of us who got hooked onto bad boy Jess in "Gilmore Girls" rooted for him the most. Dean ended up getting on our last nerves, and Jess seemed refreshing enough to be the focal point of Rory's love life.
When things didn't pan out between the two, we Jess fanatics were sad AF.
BUT maybe there's still hope for the two in the future?
In the "Gilmore Girls" revival, Jess looked like an absolute lovesick puppy (in addition to still being smoking hot). He clearly still has a soft spot for Rory.
8. Brooke Davis And Lucas Scott From “One Tree Hill”
We all knew Brooke Davis was a badass, confident gal who knew what she wanted and went for it. She dated Lucas, and the two were incredible together.
When Lucas cheated on Brooke with her best friend Peyton Sawyer, our hearts shattered along with Brooke's. She was not only betrayed by her love, but also by her bestie.
Maybe we get so depressed about TV breakups because these couples give us hope at our own shot at love. We believe in them and count on them to make their relationship work.