Fans Hate This 1 Twist In The Umbrella Academy's Final Season
Like... WHAT?!
After five years, The Umbrella Academy has finally wrapped up its mind-boggling, timeline-jumping story... and the ending isn’t sitting well with fans. Not only was Season 4 noticeably shorter than those before it, but it also left fans with a bunch of unanswered questions, disappointing goodbyes, and a romantic twist that nobody asked for. Of all the complaints the final season is getting, one stands out the most: Why did that Five and Lila hookup have to happen?
Spoiler alert: This post discusses the series finale of The Umbrella Academy. There’s a lot of confusing stuff to be upset about in The Umbrella Academy’s climactic episodes — (What happened to Sloane? And Ray? And why did some of them get new powers and others didn’t?) — but the biggest WTF decision was giving Five and Lila a romantic story arc out of absolutely nowhere.
Throughout the season, Five and Lila grew closer as they covertly investigated a mysterious cult known as the Keepers together. That felt pretty fitting, considering both former Commission agents were longing for some espionage in their boring, powerless lives. However, when Lila discovered Five’s newfound ability to travel between timelines, she encouraged him to explore all the possibilities, and wound up getting stuck in time with him for nearly six-and-a-half years.
Feeling like they may never be able to return to their timeline, Five and Lila eventually settled down together and started an intimate relationship. And that... felt kind of out of character for both of them. Not only because the two never had any sort of romantic spark before in the series, but also because Lila is married to Five’s brother Diego, and the show has gone to great lengths to ensure fans that neither of them would betray Diego to such an extent.
Although Five and Lila ended things once they discovered a way back home, their unexpected relationship (which basically had an entire episode dedicated to it) really rubbed fans the wrong way.
Unfortunately for longtime Umbrella Academy fans, the series didn’t exactly stick the landing for most viewers.