Elite Is Releasing A Series Of Short Stories Before Season 4 Begins
Think of it as a prequel to the next season.
Las Encinas is opening its doors to a whole new year of drama a bit sooner than fans expected. Before the teen show debuts its fourth season, a new series of “short stories” will fill in the gap between that cliffhanger-filled Season 3 finale and the highly anticipated new season. If you’re wondering what Elite: Short Stories is and when you can watch it, look no further than the dramatic, unexpected trailer.
Elite is not the type of show to play by the rules, so it’s fitting that the twisty Spanish-language hit took fans by surprise by announcing a four-episode miniseries ahead of Season 4. Netflix uploaded the surprise trailer for Elite: Short Stories on Wednesday, May 19, teasing the new show as “four short stories of three episodes each.” Since the Season 3 finale saw many of the main characters making huge life changes, and Season 4 will replace much of the main cast with new characters, these short stories will likely give fans a much-needed sense of closure in terms of certain storylines.
As indicated in the trailer, each Short Stories episode will focus on a group of two to three characters, mostly centering on a core couple.
The episodes will drop daily in the week leading up to Season 4’s premiere on Friday, June 18. Short Stories will premiere on Monday, June 14 with an episode called “Guzman + Caye + Rebe;” followed by “Nadia + Guzman” on Tuesday, June 15; “Omar + Ander + Alexis” on Wednesday, June 16, and “Carla + Samuel” on Thursday, June 17.
From the looks of the trailer, it appears the first episode will follow Guzman, Cayetana, and Rebeca while they trip on magic mushrooms. All three of these characters aren’t exactly in a great place after Season 3, so it would make sense for them to try to numb their pain together. The rest of the episodes seem self-explanatory. Nadia and Guzman will get an episode to sort out their long-distance romance after Nadia’s move to New York City, and Samu and Carla will have a similar episode dealing with their relationship after Carla left to study abroad. The Omar and Ander episode also strangely includes Alexis in the title, the guy Ander bonded with while at the hospital for his cancer. It looks like the episode will focus on how Omar and Ander’s relationship has changed following Ander’s diagnosis.
Get ready for another heaping helping of drama, because Elite: Short Stories will begin streaming on Monday, June 14, to give fans a taste of Season 4 before it premieres on Friday, June 18.