Here's Why Everyone On TikTok Is Debating Whether There Are More Wheels Or Doors In The World
Are you #TeamWheels or #TeamDoors?
TikTok has a new trending debate that will sound totally random at first, but once you hear the question taking the internet by storm, you probably won’t be able to stop thinking about an answer. TikTok users are currently debating whether there are more doors or wheels in the world. Sounds light-hearted, right? But it has quickly turned into a hot debate, as both sides have presented some solid points supporting their claim. So what exactly is the “more doors or wheels” debate? This TikTok trend actually started on Twitter.
Twitter user Ryan Nixon kicked off this unexpected debate on Saturday, March 5 when he tweeted a simple question. “My mates and I are having the STUPIDEST debate... And I am here for it. Do you think there are more doors or wheels in the world?”
Nixon’s tweet included a poll for fellow Twitter users to provide their guesses. The poll amassed over 200,000 votes, with the final results showing a near-tie, although Wheels as the slight winner with 53.6% of votes and Doors came in right behind with 46.4% of votes.
The debate quickly transferred to TikTok where users have been sharing examples of why Team Wheels or Team Doors is the correct answer. Team Wheels has some strong theories to back up their belief that the world has more wheels than doors.
The debate even made it into the hands of companies like UPS, who are Team Wheels btw.
While you may initially think of wheels solely in terms of car tires, the Team Wheels advocates have pointed out tons of other common objects have wheels, like toy cars, office chairs, common household furniture, and shopping carts.
But let’s not count out Team Doors just yet. Those siding with Team Doors have some good points. Various TikTokers have posted videos pointing out massive skyscrapers and office buildings contain hundreds of doors, and even cars themselves usually contain about as many doors as wheels. People have also pointed to lockers, fridges, and cabinets as doors most people may not think about right away.
Social media is no stranger to hot debates such as this one. We can all remember the famous dress that some saw as blue and black or gold and white. Scientists were later able to prove the dress was blue and black, and just appeared ambiguous due to lighting. But this “Doors vs. Wheels” debate seems like an answer won’t be available for some time, or maybe even ever, so it’s best to just have fun mulling it over.