This Is Us Fans Have 1 Big Question About The Pearson Family Cabin
And it's not, "Can I live there with them?"
Since This Is Us Season 1, the Pearsons have been a family with multiple properties, reflecting the affluence of the middle-class baby boom generation in the 1980s. The cabin, as the Pearsons have always referred to it, was something Jack purchased when the kids were 10 years old, a home away from home the family drove to regularly. But in the final seasons, the place has taken on a larger significance, and fans have realized that the show has never fully established where the This Is Us cabin is located. So, where TF is it?
The first time the cabin comes up in the series is in the show’s first Thanksgiving episode, when Rebecca mentions she’s thinking of selling the place since the family hasn’t used it in years. Her mentioning getting rid of an essential piece of their childhood inspires the triplets to take an excursion in Season 1, Episode 9 (“The Trip”) to stay there, a spot in the middle of nowhere, with little civilization and no wifi.
At first, it seemed like the cabin might be located in Connecticut. The episode prior had the family experience a car wreck on the six-hour drive to Rebecca’s parents and wound up celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday in a random motel off the beaten path. But when the location comes up again, in Season 2, Episode 11 (“The Fifth Wheel”), it is much closer to Pittsburgh, and the Poconos Mountains are offhandedly mentioned.
As the family travels to the cabin throughout the next few seasons, the show establishes the house close enough that going for a three-day weekend isn’t unfeasible. But it’s also far away enough that Kate and her horrible boyfriend can be there nearly all night before Rebecca comes to rescue her. That jives with the cabin being in the Poconos area, a 4- to 5-hour drive from the city.
The confirmation of where the cabin is didn’t come until the beginning of Season 5, when Rebecca’s medications interacted so that she lost her grip on reality. After a long day in a nearby small town, she was picked up by the cops and escorted home, and the state trooper's car colors were those of Bethlehem Township, which is right by the Poconos mountains.
All that said, don’t go looking for the Pearson cabin in the East Coast mountain ranges IRL. According to LA Curbed, which has a rundown of all the on-site filming locations This Is Us uses, Kelly Gulch in Canyon Boulevard, Los Angeles, stands in for the Poconos on the series. Kate wasn’t far off in Season 1 when she texted Toby a photo of her childhood vacation spot and made horror movie jokes; the cabin has also been a prime spot for horror movie filming, including Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter.
This Is Us Seasons 1 through 5 are streaming on Hulu. This Is Us: The Final Season airs new episodes on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on NBC and streams the next day on Hulu.