White Lotus’ Aimee Lou Wood Has Thoughts On Fans Discussing Her Teeth
“It feels so lovely.”
White Lotus fans cannot stop talking about Aimee Lou Wood’s smile. The actor, who plays Chelsea in Season 3 of the show, has heard what people — including orthodontists — are saying about her teeth. During a March 22 appearance on The Jonathan Ross Show, Wood responded to all the fan discourse revolving around her her gap-toothed smile.
“I mean, I can’t believe the impact my teeth are having. Because the Americans can’t believe… but they’re all being lovely,” Wood, who is also known for her role in Sex Education, said in a video posted to TikTok. “These videos just come up on my Instagram of these orthodontists analyzing my teeth and going, ‘So what she has here is a... whatever the hell it is.’ I don’t know what the hell it is.”
She continued, “They dissect my teeth and say what’s wrong with it, but then at the end go, ‘But we don’t think she should change a thing.’”
Fans have been complimenting her smile on X, formerly called Twitter. “if aimee lou wood ever changes her teeth in any way i'll have a public breakdown the likes of which this country has never seen,” one joked on March 12. (The tweet now has over 16,000 likes.) Even The New York Times published a story about Woods’ teeth, titled, “The Novelty of a Natural Smile.”
According to Wood, she does not mind the attention — even if people have “100%” thought she was wearing fake teeth before. “It feels so lovely. A real full-circle moment after being bullied for my teeth forever, and now people are clapping in an audience cause I’ve got these gnashers,” she said, giving a nod to the cheers from the studio audience.
But Wood does not want people to try to imitate her look. “I’d hope that people don’t start filing their teeth so they have gaps,” she added.
This is not the first time she has discussed her smile. On March 3, Wood opened up about her “self-confidence surrounding beauty” in an Instagram video. “A big thing for me growing up was my mouth because it was the thing that everybody pointed out,” she said. “It was the thing that made me different, and I’d never seen an actress on TV with teeth like mine.”
Wood continued, “When Georgia Jagger did ‘get the London look’ and she had the gap teeth, that was a huge moment. I thought ‘No, I am going to put red lipstick on and I am going to draw attention to it.’”