6 White Lotus Characters Who Should Be In Season 3
With Tanya gone, someone's got to connect the seasons.
Warning: Spoilers for The White Lotus Season 2 follow. The first two seasons of The White Lotus have been set in two completely different locales, Hawaii and Sicily, and featured primarily different casts unrelated to each other, other than their penchant for high-end vacations. Only Tanya, played by Jennifer Coolidge, ended up vacationing in both places, becoming the narrative thread between the two seasons. But with Tanya gone (RIP), which White Lotus Season 2 characters could be the carryover to Season 3?
Tanya McQuoid, who was newly Tanya McQuoid-Hunt, was actually one of two carryover characters from Season 1. The other was Greg Hunt, who she met in Season 1, and was dating by the finale. In Season 2, she and Greg, now married, turned up at this different White Lotus location, at his insistence. But Tanya wasn’t long for the series. Discovering Greg had hired assassins to kill her so Greg could inherit her wealth, Tanya went full Final Girl, spraying bullets at the “high end gays” who were in on the scheme. But even though the mission failed, Greg still got what he wanted anyway, as Tanya hit her head escaping the yacht and drowned.
With Tanya no longer in this world to book another high-priced vacation at another White Lotus hotel, Season 3 may begin fresh with another cast. But Season 2 left way more loose ends than Season 1. Moreover, carrying over a beloved character to loosely tie the seasons together worked quite well for Season 2; doing it again in Season 3 seems logical.
The question is, will that character who carries over be the Season 3 victim like Tanya was in Season 2? The answer may depend on who the character winds up being. Here’s a rundown of six of the most likely candidates for the next White Lotus. vacation.
The most obvious candidate to become the new Tanya is also one of the least likely to book another stay at a White Lotus hotel: Portia. The insecure, frumpy assistant who followed Tanya to Sicily only to get roped into a murder plot targeting her boss was a fan-favorite this season, much like Tanya was in Season 1. Tanya even said Portia reminded her of a younger version of herself before they were separated.
Portia’s story was also left at loose ends; she suspects the men with Tanya were assassins-for-hire and Jack a plant to keep Portia far away from her boss. Jack all but confirmed the latter before driving her to the airport and dropping her off, telling her not to ask questions, not to return to the hotel, just get out of Italy before anyone realized she was a loose end that needed tidying up. Even when Albie confirmed her worst fears when he told her a body of a hotel guest was found, along with a yacht full of gunshot victims, Portia merely exchanged numbers with him instead of going to the authorities. Clearly, the girl’s got some trauma to unpack... and possibly, dangerous people to avoid.
The only question is how Portia winds up at a ritzy White Lotus hotel. Unless Tanya decided to leave her some money, it seems like a stretch.
A more likely candidate to stay at a White Lotus hotel is Dominic Di Grasso. He spent half his vacation complaining that he’d planned this getaway with his wife, Abby, before she left him. Their story seemed to be heading toward a reconciliation, though, as his son Albie put in a good word for his father with his mom after he gave Lucia money as a “karmic payment.”
Fans should not forget that Abby was voiced by none other than Laura Dern in Season 2. Having Michael Imperioli and Dern turn up in Season 3, now trying to work out their marriage (and perhaps failing like Tanya and Greg), feels very on-brand for the show — especially if Dom winds up being Season 3’s deceased character.
Lucia came out on top at the end of Season 2. Hustler’s gonna hustle, and this girl managed to clean the Di Grasso men of €50,000 by the end of the season. Not that it makes her rich or anything, just comfortable enough to live for a little while without having to work.
Where better to take a vacation than another White Lotus hotel? Letting Mia live the life someone like Tanya takes for granted would make for a fun crossover character moment.
Jack’s story felt the most unfinished of all the characters left at loose ends in Season 2. He talked about being deep in a hole, and it certainly seemed like he was working off a debt by working for (and sleeping with) Quentin. Viewers def need more of his story.
Since all the schemers on Quentin’s boat presumably perished, Jack may be free to skip town, disappearing to another White Lotus hotel, hoping to restart a new life. Of course, that would only be until his old life inevitably catches up with him.
Portia may have reminded Tanya of herself, but the closest corresponding character to Season 1 Tanya and her white, wealthy woman with emotional issues is totally Daphne. Moreover, Meghann Fahy’s character won the hearts of fans with her fashion sense and insistence on doing whatever it took not to be a victim of life.
One sign that the show is planning on making Daphne the next character to join the next season of the White Lotus is that she mentions vacation plans for “next year,” which could mean the next season of the show. She and Cameron are planning on heading to the Maldives in 2023. Could Cameron have work come up, sending Daphne to vacation alone? Or even better, take her personal trainer? Who would perish then, her or the man most assume is her children’s biological father?
There is one character fans want to see wind up in a body bag leaving a White Lotus hotel: Greg. Despite some fan theories, Tanya’s boyfriend-turned-husband-turned-widower did not get the axe in Season 2. He’s still out there, and now he’s presumably super-rich on Tanya’s money. He’s gotta go.
Greg booking another White Lotus from the same bank account Tanya used in Seasons 1 and 2 would create a true narrative throughline for the series. It would continue Tanya’s story as the central narrative around which the previous two seasons have revolved. It would also give the show a reason to bring Jennifer Coolidge back to guest star: Her ghost could haunt Greg’s dreams until the end of his life, which viewers can only hope will be nasty, brutish, and short.
The White Lotus Seasons 1 and 2 are streaming on HBO Max; Season 3 is expected in 2023.