We Gotta Talk About Carrie's Potential New Love Interest In And Just Like That
Is anyone else still laughing about *that* scene?
Warning: Spoilers for And Just like That Episode 7 follow. Once upon a time, the heart of SATC was the search for love. Although the things viewers tend to remember are the endings — Miranda and Steve, Charlotte and Harry, Carrie and Big — the journey to that ending was the driving engine. There’s a reason And Just Like That could only start with Big’s passing; without Carrie being single and ready to mingle, there’s no show. The first six episodes took their time getting there, but with the arrival of Peter in Episode 7, things are picking up. So, who is Peter in And Just Like That? His first date with Carrie was one for the books.
It’s been several months since Big’s passing, and Carrie used the time and her grief to produce a new manuscript. Her editor loved it, but there’s just one problem: It’s too dark. As the in-world writer of SATC, Carrie needed to lighten her book a little with a “note of hope,” as it were.
Ever the practical woman wanting to sell her stuff, Carrie was happy to oblige. If she could lighten her hair, she could lighten her book, she figured. Charlotte saw this as a perfect opportunity to have wealthy men bid on a date with Carrie at Rock and Lily’s school fundraiser. But it turned out, Carrie was already on the market. Seema revealed she had taken it upon herself to put Carrie on a few dating apps back in February. So, already set up with options, Carrie swiped through her choices until she found one worth trying to date, a widower and teacher named Peter.
The two decided to go out on a test date, but it was hard, and not just for Carrie. It was Peter’s first time out since his wife passed, too. Carrie figured a bit of alcohol would fix the awkwardness, but they were both so nervous they drank... and drank... and drank. Stumbling out of the bar at the end of the night, Peter was severely over his limit and vomited. His vomiting then caused Carrie’s gag reflex to go off, and the next thing you know, the two were clinging to each other, drunkenly barfing in the gutters of NYC.
At least she’d never see him again, right? Wrong.
It turns out, Peter is a teacher at the school Charlotte’s kids attend, and he was at the auction the next night. Anthony gamely tried to help Carrie exit before “Professor Puke” saw her, but then the emcee called her number. It was a $500 starting bid for a date with Carrie... except there were no takers (because pretty much everyone there was already married). Finally, Charlotte bid $700 on her friend, and then Carrie bid $1,000 for herself to end the humiliation — only to be outbid at $1,050... by Professor Puke himself.
It was a sweet gesture. Carrie offered to pay him back and said not to worry about the lunch date. But Peter wouldn’t hear of it. The money was for the children, and so was their lunch. As the episode ended, Peter sent a text saying, “Looking forward to Date #2.” And just like that, there was hope after all.
And Just Like That continues with weekly episodes streaming every Thursday on HBO Max.