This Is Us May Have Sneakily Introduced Kevin's Future Wife
Could it be?
It was a jaw-dropping moment when This Is Us revealed the big “five years in the future” twist in the Season 5 finale. That Kate and Toby divorced wasn’t a huge surprise; fans kind of figured Kate would remarry someone better suited for her. The shock was that it was Phillip she chose, someone the show introduced all of four episodes previously. But it seems that more than one Pearson may have a surprise romance, as fans saw Kevin hit it off with Kate and Phillip’s wedding singer, Arielle. So, who *is* this This Is Us newcomer? It’s time to investigate.
Warning: Spoilers for This Is Us Season 6, Episode 13 follow. Kevin had himself a time of it over the course of Kate and Phillip’s wedding weekend, and there is tea to be spilled about who he really connected with the night before the ceremony.
There were three women with whom Kevin had one-on-one time:
- Cassidy, who viewers know Kevin was doing the friends-with-benefits thing, even though they’ve said their relationship isn’t more than that.
- Sophie, Kevin’s ex-wife, with whom he falls into bed about once a decade on average.
- Arielle, Kate and Phillip’s wedding singer, who he met at the bar the night before the nuptials.
Of the three, Arielle is the one viewers know the least about. According to the Episode 14 promo, This Is Us is going to remain in the near future of 2026 for at least one more episode after Kate and Phillip’s nuptials, which means fans are about to get to know her even better.
There was one clue in the April 19 episode that Arielle might be more than just a random stranger working at Kate’s wedding, and it came from Phillip. Phillip mentioned multiple times that he is responsible for the band being at the wedding, and that he worked with them ahead of time. Most memorably, he told Kate just before her mother was called up to sing that if Rebecca couldn’t manage to perform, the band was alerted to jump in, and he’d join them to sing a Celine Dion number.
That suggested Phillip not only knew these folks, but also may have performed with them at events in the past. Either way, he knew them before the wedding, and it’s a good chance he’s friends with most of them, including Arielle.
This Is Us’ executive story editor Jon Dorsey, who wrote “The Day of the Wedding,” confirmed that Arielle is not a complete stranger. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly about Kevin’s possible love interests, he confirmed the wedding singer is a friend of Phillip’s and that “Arielle is a potential suitor who could be perfect for Kevin.”
There are a lot of arguments for Arielle as Kevin’s endgame. After floating along, not able to nail down Sophie or Cassidy, he may have accepted he wasn’t meant to be with either of them. Also, Arielle isn’t his usual type. Sophie, Madison, and Cassidy may have very different personalities, but they’re all tall, blonde, and different variations on what might be termed “willowy.” That could suggest Kevin is drawn to Arielle due to an emotional and mental connection, something he desperately needs.
Also, Arielle is a singer and a musician, but not a super successful one. She’s like his mother and sister, someone who loves music and found a way to have it in her life, even if she’ll never headline world tours. That makes her a perfect fit for the family. Add Kevin’s drive to pick up a guitar and learn music himself, and there’s a shared passion between them.
And finally, of the three women who would write a poem on a bar napkin and leave it in Kevin’s room, it probably wouldn’t be the nurse with whom he went for a long walk or the forewoman who hung out in the sauna. It would most likely be the singer (and maybe songwriter) hanging out in the bar.
This Is Us: The Final Season continues with new episodes every Tuesday at 9 p.m. ET on NBC and streaming the next day on Hulu.