There Were 3 Other Engagements On Love Is Blind Season 4 That Weren’t Shown
Here’s the drama you didn’t see.
It’s hard to believe, but there was actually even more drama on Season 4 of Love Is Blind than fans got to see. The first few episodes showed five engagements come from the dating pods: Brett and Tiffany, Micah and Paul, Zack and Irina, Kwame and Chelsea, and Marshall and Jackelina. But what you probably didn’t know is that two more couples wound up proposing as well. Here’s why Love Is Blind Season 4 didn’t show three of the relationships that formed in the pods.
The first of the unseen engagements was between Jimmy Forde and Wendi Kong, Netflix’s Tudum confirmed. Jimmy, a technical product manager, and Wendi, an aerospace engineer, quickly bonded with one another in the pods over their shared interests in engineering. Though they were only shown briefly in the living quarters, they developed a strong connection in the pods, which ended with Jimmy popping the question. However, Netflix only chose to send five couples to Mexico, so Jimmy and Wendi went back to Seattle after the pods to continue their relationship. They stayed together for three months after getting engaged, but then broke up after realizing they differ in “how we view relationships in general,” as Jimmy said. They remain friendly, however.
Another couple that wasn’t shown was Ava Van Jenson and JP Schultz. Both were featured quite frequently offering advice to their fellow contestants in the living quarters, but their connection in the pods was totally ignored by the show. JP also had connections with Micah and Chelsea, but decided to focus on Ava when it was clear Paul and Kwame had stronger feelings for the two women.
Their breakup was more sudden and much messier than Jimmy and Wendi’s. Ava revealed she got a text from JP while she was boarding her flight leaving the pods in which he said he wanted to end the engagement. According to JP, the text was meant to just slow down their timeline a bit, but Ava took it as a breakup. They aren’t on as great of terms, with Ava admitting she learned some hard lessons from the experiment: “I learned what I want, what I don’t want, and what I deserve. I didn’t deserve any of that.”
Finally, Monica Rodriguez also revealed on Instagram that she got engaged during the process, but did not reveal to whom. She did write that the engagement ended shortly after filming.
Obviously, the Netflix cameras already had more than enough relationship drama with just five couples. But things could have gotten even messier if all of the Season 4 couples were filmed.