These Powerful Illustrations Honor The Victims Of The Brussels Attacks
By now, you probably heard about the heartbreaking events that unfolded in Belgium early on Tuesday.
On Tuesday, the airport and a subway station in Brussels became the scenes of bombings that left over 30 people dead.
The Belgian prime minister identified these as acts of terrorism, and apparently, ISIS claimed responsibility for the horrific events.
In the aftermath of the events, the French newspaper Le Monde published a touching illustration by Plantu capturing the sorrow and solidarity France feels for its Belgian neighbor.
Since then, people also turned to art as a beautiful way to honor the victims of the Brussels attacks, and I've seen all sorts of touching cartoons posted on social media with #PrayforBrussels, #PrayForBruxelles and #JeSuisBruxelles.
Take a look at the pictures below to see some of these stunning illustrations.
Bombings in Brussels claimed the lives of over 30 people this morning.
Pisse Love and freedom ! #Bruxelles ! #Niveau4 #Belgique #PissonsUnis — Baudry (@hervebaudry) November 22, 2015
Since then, lots of people turned to social media to speak out about these horrific attacks...
...and show a variety of reactions to this morning's events.
While some people expressed their sorrow and disbelief through touching Twitter messages...
Pray for #Bruxelles — Flavia Pennetta (@flavia_pennetta) March 22, 2016
...others honored the victims by posting illustrations on social media with #PrayForBrussels.
The images beautifully honor all those who lost their lives as results of these devastating events...
...and remind all those affected to stay strong.
Thinking of those affected in #Brussels right now — Shitty Watercolour (@SWatercolour) March 22, 2016
Many of these illustrations happen to be from French artists...
...who feel the pain their neighbors are going through in the aftermath of the attacks.
"C'était au temps où Bruxelles bruxellait." #Bruxelles #Brussels #cauchemar — Louison (@Louison_A) March 22, 2016
Other artists decided to post defiant drawings condemning this unnecessary violence...
...and show how upset they are about the attacks on Brussels.
Citations: #PrayForBrussels: Let's Show The World That We Are UNITED! (Bored Panda)