I Drank Weed-Infused Coffee And It Actually Improved My Productivity
When you think of ingesting cannabis-infused products, you typically envision pot brownies and super-deceiving gummy bears. Hell, you might even consider one of those free lollipops at your local dispensary the cream of the crop!
It wasn't until I feverishly authored an obscure Google search for “weed coffee” that I discovered it actually exists. I should have expected as much. After all, just about everything has been turned into weed at this point; it's 2016.
Smoking a joint and following up with an iced coffee has been common practice for the average employed stoner.
Personally, the coffee-marijuana mixture has affected me differently each time I consume both substances in consecutive sittings, depending on the strain and robustness of the brew itself.
But what would coffee taste like if it were infused with the same psychoactive constituents found in cannabis?
That's when it hit me: I need to kill two birds with one stone and try THC-infused coffee.
After narrowing down some of the most frequented 420-friendly coffee companies in the industry, I took a chance on House of Jane to find out what this stuff is all about.
Behold, cannabis-infused coffee. Yes, it really exists!
I decided to go with Jane's Brew gourmet ground coffee. The medium roast contains about 20 milligrams of medical marijuana.
I have a meeting shortly after the experiment; this could get interesting.
It's easy to make.
The coffee can be prepared using a variety of methods including a french press, a gold tone coffee brewer or a traditional brewer.
This particular brand conveniently offers one-cup bags, so I simply boil water.
Then I pour the boiling water into a coffee mug containing the coffee bag.
This product was clearly made for stoners.
Very little effort is necessary when prepping this stuff. As matter of fact, it's a lot easier to make cannabis-infused coffee than it is to go out and buy one pre-made.
Voila! A steaming cup of joe is staring at me -- not your average, though...
Remember, not only am I amping myself up on caffeine, but I'm also ingesting 20 milligrams of good ol' Mary Jane on top of it.
I knew my overall productivity for the day would be at risk.
How am I supposed to take calls, prioritize emails and sit in on this meeting when I'm drinking the stoner vacation form of coffee?
To top it off, coffee typically doesn't resonate well with me; it's jitter season when I'm near the stuff.
After about 15 minutes, I feel insane but in the best way possible.
I've basically turned into a certified yoga instructor thanks to the excessive stretching I've been doing for about 10 minutes. I eventually slip into an oasis of total relaxation, and my body feels a bit heavy, but mentally, I'm pretty focused -- shocker.
Marijuana-infused coffee should probably be allowed at Starbucks locations where recreational marijuana is legal.
After about 15 minutes of observing the high that has equally come over my mind and body, I realize we'd all probably get a lot more work done if we were sipping on marijuana-infused coffee. It's kind of a no-brainer at this point.
Throughout my cannabis coffee experience, I surprisingly haven't felt like bolting out of the office to find the nearest hammock. I also haven't been very munchie-driven. Then again, that bag of Goldfish didn't stand a chance (just like that meeting).
If anything, the coffee paired with the THC has allowed me to forget about all of the common misconceptions that go along with smoking weed, and I've been able to stay focused throughout the day.
It's allowed me to tap into my creative side, delivering a much cleaner high than I had originally anticipated.
Why can't we feel like this at work every day...? If only I were able to get my coworkers to stop asking why I'm stretching so much...