Lattes Are Being Served Inside Avocados And Everyone's So, So Conflicted
It looks like our favorite health food and breakfast drink are joining forces, and we're not entirely sure what to think.
No one can resist the temptation of avocados. They're the inspiration behind cafes and the tasty snack you need for a mid-day pick-me-up. Extra guac is never a question, people.
Lattes are equally as irresistible. Though a different taste and sensation, the morning beverage produces the same desirable effects as avocados.
But lattes and avocados together?! Now you're just acting crazy.
Stop it, we don't want to hear about this bizarre new drink. It's just not right.
If you're heading Down Under in the near future, you have the option of swinging by Truman Cafe in Melbourne for a sight you can only see to believe.
The Aussie cafe has decided to start serving avolattes — yes, avolattes.
If you've had enough of the mystical creature craze at Starbucks, this is certainly an interesting alternative.
Sounds like a healthy option right? Well, take a look at the coffee concoction for yourself and see if you're brave enough to sip it.
Doesn't it just seem wrong? Quite honestly, I don't care if it is the next coffee craze to hit the states, I like my avocados in guacamole and my coffee in plain 'ol cups.
Judging from the reaction online, it seems I am not the only one who feels this this mixture is uncalled for.
Sarah Cohen is not about that life.
Gisli can't get over those hipsters and their funky ways!
Some think this is just a weak attempt to be cool.
You can't make this stuff up.
Is this the end?
Regardless of what happens next — if this funky new order makes its way to the US — I think I'm going to stick to my usual: grande black iced tea unsweetened. It doesn't look terribly pretty, and it's not the coolest thing out there, but it certainly tastes the best!
Citations: Lattes Inside Avocados Are Officially a Thing and the Internet Is Not Having It (Cosmopolitan)