Oreo Will Pay You A Crazy Amount Of Cash To Make A New Flavor, So Get Creative
If you're running a little low on cash lately, you might want to start thinking about Oreos (yes, Oreos).
"Milk's favorite cookie," which just released a limited-edition Firework flavor this week, is willing to shell out some serious dough to the person who creates the next perfect flavor for its new flavor contest.
It's probably a good idea to start taking notes and testing flavors because this is one contest you're not going to want to miss.
There's quite awhile until the July 14 deadline, but that doesn't mean the task at hand should be taken lightly. Get ready to spend an awful lot of time in your kitchen.
Once you've nailed the perfect recipe, post your cookie creation to Instagram or Twitter before the deadline using the hashtags #myoreocreation and #contest in order to be considered.
Easy enough right? All you have to do is get baking — nothing you can't handle.
Oh, I guess we should tell you about that whole "crazy amount of cash" thing, right? I mean, it is the most enticing part of it all.
OK, OK, don't spill your milk when you read this! You have cookies to dunk.
Oreo will select three finalists, all of whom will see their ideas on shelves next year. These few runner-ups will be awarded $25,000. Ca-ching! Hello Oreo, we're here to deliver.
Then there's the grand-prize winner, which will be chosen by the masses. The lucky cookie concocter will be awarded half a million dollars. Yes, you read that correctly — we said half a million, as in $500,000.
Man, look at all those zeros!
Judging from the video of Ellie Kemper and friends, the time to start planning is now. After all, they just listed a slew of new ideas that might downgrade you to plan b: blueberry pancakes, chocolate mousse, etc.
Madeline Vincent, Oreo's brand manager, talked to People about the contest and said,
Our newest limited-edition flavor got us thinking – if we can create a Firework Oreo cookie, what else could we create? And who better to ask than those who are already sharing their flavor and creation ideas. We've always loved hearing and seeing our fans' ideas and now we're thrilled to merge that passion and creativity with Oreo innovation to come up with future creations.
Oreo is certainly being generous, but in the name of a good cookie, no amount is too great.
Happy baking and best of luck!
Citations: Oreo Wants To Pay You Half A Million Dollars To Come Up With Its New Flavor (The Huffington Post)