There's Actually A Legit Reason For That Tiny Table On Top Of Your Pizza
Imagine my surprise when I found out my coworkers had no idea what that tiny table on top of your pizza was for...
As a young, naive and impressionable child, I distinctly remember asking my mother, "Hey, what the fuck is this?" when our pizza came with a tiny, white plastic item set in the middle of it.
She told me what the purpose of this little table was...
Side note: Do you remember having to rely on your ancestors for answers?
One time my grandma told me singing at the dinner table made angels cry, and I had no way to confirm or deny that. Thank god Google exists now.
But with my new found knowledge of what this table was for, my mother washed it and gave it to me so I could set up a dinner party for my 25 cent vending machine alien toys.
But I digress.
I asked my coworkers what happened in their childhood that they never questioned the tiny plastic object that came with their pizza, and they simply said,
I didn't really care.
Basically, in their heads they were like...
They were just so excited for pizza they DGAF about that plastic accessory.
Well, my friends. This tiny plastic table that your parents gave you for your Barbies is, in fact, a pizza saver.
Yes, it's real name is "Pizza Saver," and it's been helping us out for 30 years now.
"Pizza Saver" was also my nickname as a child because I was the youngest and was forced to hold the incredibly uncomfortably hot pizza even on my lap during the car ride home so the cheese wouldn't slide off of it.
But the real pizza saver is a simple invention that prevents the pizza box from sagging from the steam from those hot slices and landing on top of your pizza.
When the box sags, the plastic table stops it from squishing your delightful dish.
So what American hero can we thank for this invention? According to Gizmodo, we owe it all to you, Carmela Vitale of Long Island.
In 1983, she created the "package saver" and submitted a patent for the design. It was approved in 1985.
Vitale passed away in 2005, but we will never forget how much she did for us. Here's to you, Carmela.
Citations: Why That Tiny Piece Of Plastic On Your Pizza Is A True Lifesaver (Huffington Post)