
Genius Creates PSL Tracking Website So We're Ready For The Big Starbucks Release

by Danielle Valente

In the off chance you weren't aware, Starbucks has this coveted fall drink called the Pumpkin Spice Latte, and it's kind of a big deal. The moment the temperature dips below 80 degrees at any point in August, people immediately start preparing themselves for autumn and wonder when they can snag a cup of the pumpkin goodness. Truth is, no one knows for certain when the treat will return, but there is a Pumpkin Spice Latte tracker to help you count down the days until your favorite season arrives... PSL season, that is.

Patrick Johnson, @patrickbjohnson on Twitter, is a web developer based in Brooklyn who decided to take the pumpkin craze into his own hands with the creation of

"Since PSL season is such popular thing I went to see if there was a tracker which tells you when they are available and nothing came up," Johnson tells Elite Daily. "And since it didn't exist and I'm a web developer I figured I'd make one myself."

Plug in the url, and users are immediately taken to a site featuring the popular question: "Is It Pumpkin Spice Season." As of the site's launch on Aug. 29 — brace yourself — it's not. A big "NOT YET" is displayed in red, so it looks like fans are in for another few weeks of berry teas and fruity frapps.

Patrick Johnson

But Johnson — who claims to actually be more of a chai latte kind of guy — isn't 100 percent certain when the drink will make its 2017 debut. Fans have been given hints by none other than the PSL himself (he's real, guys) with coyly worded tweets, leading customers to believe that the drink will arrive on Sept. 1. Though again, no one knows for sure, sadly. Starbucks has us wrapped in the palm of its PSL-making hands.

"Unfortunately there is no magic tech in that department," Johnson says of the release date. "I'll manually keep track (sounds like Sept. 1 is the date in the rumor mill) and update the site accordingly."

It's your move, PSL — are you arriving Sept. 1 or not?!