
Gorgeous Marble Manicures Is The Newest Nail-Art Trend You Need To Try (Photos)

by Kaylin Pound

If you're already over shattered-glass nails and are looking for the next big thing to obsess over, look no further.

We recently came across another nail craze that will make you look like a stone cold fox. Literally.

The Marble mani is the newest trend taking the salon scene by storm, and now, all sorts of ladies are "rock"-ing this stunning striated style.

There are a couple of ways to turn your nails into statuesque works of art.

You can achieve a marble mani by plunging your nails into a bowl of water with polish on top, or you can turn your talons into stones by swirling polish on a piece of plastic before peeling off the semi-dry design and placing it on your nails.

If those techniques seem out of your nail-painting league, you can always just do it the old-fashioned way and drag a toothpick through wet polish to recreate this magnificent marble look.

Take a look at the pictures below to see this awesome new trend.

Apparently, marble isn't just for countertops anymore.

Now, you can incorporate this stunning stone into your style.

That's right, marble nails are now real things...

...and they look insanely awesome.

If you're wondering how you can achieve this look, there are lots of tutorials.

Tons of ladies are getting in on these statue-inspired looks.

So far, we've seen women decking their digits out in everything from gorgeous gray gels...

And pretty rainbow renditions...

To matte-black marble manis...

Stunning white stones...

...and precious pink accents.

Whether you decide to add one marble nail into the mix...

Deck out every other nail in this design...

 Or turn the tips of your talons into marble...

...there's no wrong way to rock out with these epic nails.