
'She Sheds' Are Women's Perfect Response To The Man Cave (Photos)

by Gillian Fuller

Screw man caves; ladies, it's time for She Sheds.

She Sheds are the female equivalent of the man cave, except (obviously) better.

It's a place for a woman to relax and do her thang, without men (or children) around.

It's her place to decorate, enjoy and use when in need -- a home away from home, if you will.

Because we all deserve a place to call our own, don't we, ladies?

The trend recently caught on on Pinterest, where crafty ladies are posting pictures of their perfect She Sheds, and I have to admit, they make a seriously good case for living in the 'burbs (because we city ladies can never, sadly, have a shed to escape to).

Check 'em out below.

Some She Sheds are for gardening...

...and some are for relaxing.

This one is a She Shed/treehouse hybrid.

She Sheds are for the ladies only.

And they can be in the forest...

...or covered in roses...


...or quaint.

This one's a guest house.

And this one's a purple house.

But you can do yours any way you like.

It can be a cottage...

...or even just a regular ol' shed.

So ladies, if you have the space...

...get yourself a She Shed.

Citations: Introducing She Sheds Womens Answer To The Man Cave (Lighter Side of Real Estate)