Sugar Gliders Are The Insanely Adorable Pets You Never Knew You Needed
Both of my parents happen to be scientists.
So as you can imagine, I had a lot of interesting pets as a child that went way beyond the basic dogs and cats.
Yep, from chinchillas and skunks to tarantulas, 8-foot snakes and even baby alligators, I never really knew what new creature my dad would have waiting for me when I walked through the door.
However, having all of these crazy animals taught me sometimes the most unlikely critters actually make some of the coolest pets.
Case in point: sugar gliders.
If you haven't seen these lil' fellas before, you might want to brace yourself because you're about be overwhelmed with fuzzy feelings.
Sugar gliders are small marsupials that get their name from their sweet, fruit-based diet and their ability to glide through the air thanks to an extra flap of fur on their limbs.
They have an average lifespan of 12 to 15 years, and if being downright adorable wasn't enough to make you want one, these pocket-sized pets are also pretty smart and can even learn to do a variety of delightful tricks.
Since today happens to be National Pet Day, we set out to melt you heart by finding a bunch of precious sugar gliders that are pretty much guaranteed to make you cry tears of joy.
You're welcome.