Thanks To NYC Bodegas, You Can Get Your Yeezys For An Insanely Low Price
Thanks to Twitter user @Alfred__Julius, now we all know where to get fake, shoddily stitched Yeezys: New York bodegas.
For only $15, you can buy a pair of Yeezy-ish shoes that may or may not survive a walk down one city block on a perfect spring day. Counterfeit bags have come a long way, with many looking just like the real thing.
But not these Yeezys. Whoever made these knock-offs had the balls to go all out, making no attempt to hide their apparent fraudulence. If you choose to wear these, you'll be making a bold statement, saying to the world that you stand by honesty and value straightforwardness.
With one crappy pair of sneakers, you can express your no-BS, inner maverick beliefs in the most backwards of ways, making you a true American hero.
Fake $15 Yeezys are now being sold at this bodega : https://t.co/vjfnoppWil pic.twitter.com/MC1nKCD1do — Complex Sneakers (@ComplexSneakers) March 25, 2016
And for only $15? In my opinion, that's not such a bad deal.
Citations: New York Bodegas Are Selling Fake Yeezys for $15 (Complex)