People's Reactions Upon Seeing 'Fifty Shades' Are Absolutely Hilarious (Video)
This weekend, way too many people will spend way too much money to see "Fifty Shades Of Grey." I'm willing to bet at least one of them will be charged with indecent exposure by the time the final box office numbers are tallied up.
Based on the film's 36 percent approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes as of this writing, it looks like movie critics are responding to the film only slightly better than their literary counterparts, but I doubt anyone who already bought a ticket is going to be screaming for a refund.
We'll have to wait a couple more days to see how the general public reacts, but Zenn Films already has a preview of some of the ways your life could be ruined by not seeing "Jupiter Ascending" instead.
I'd say some of these seem over the top, but you should never underestimate the craziness of a person who wants to see "Fifty Shades Of Grey" the weekend it's released.