Grandpa's Teeth Slip Out While Playing Card Game In Hilarious Viral Video
At some point, you won't have teeth either, and then we'll SEE WHO'S LAUGHING.
OK, here's the story: This family was playing a new board game (called "Speak Out") where you have to try to talk with this insane shit in your mouth (which is funny because, you know, it prevents you from talking) when the 'npa (that's slang for great-grandpa, GRANDPA) took his turn.
And, mid-turn, 'npa's dentures fell out. This made everyone laugh, including me.
Did it make you laugh? If so, please inform me at whyareyoureadingthisfakeemailaddress@younerd.com. Use the subject line LOL, so I know what it's regarding, tysm.
After seeing and recording this humorous event, one of this great-grandfather's supposed loved ones decided to post it on the internet so other people could laugh when their oldest relative's prosthetic food-chewers fall out.
ABC News reporters did their duty as journalists and interviewed the man's (identified as Don Briggs, 88, of Cincinnati, Ohio) granddaughter Amy, who posted the video to Facebook.
If you listen closely to the video, you can hear Amy's daughter shrieking when Don's dentures pop out.
Amy gave a play-by-play of the dramatic happening:
He was saying his card, and we all saw his teeth starting to come loose. We all started screaming. He made a face at my daughter, and out they came on the floor.
Now, to be clear, this is only her version of events. We may, of course, have a "Rashomon" situation on our hands here, so keep an open mind.
The video has been watched, at the time of this writing, 36 million times, because life is very, very, very weird.
I'd like to mention that Don is looking pretty good for 88, and probably has a good sense of humor about 36 million people seeing his teeth fall out.
Everyone pour one out for Don this New Year's. He deserves the love.
Citations: MailOnline, ABC News