A Guy Somehow Got Hundreds Of People To Send Him Beer Money On Venmo
Sam Crowder found himself short of cash on College Gameday, so he did what any normal kid would do: he made himself a sign addressed to his mom, and asked her to Venmo him some cash. Then he held the sign up on live television.
Yes, he really did. And yes, it worked.
Wherever there's a will, there's a way. Or put another way, wherever there's a need for beer, beer money will be raised.
Crowder's Venmo was soon popping off, with over 250 people sending him money, and praising his 'creativity' on Twitter. Some people even called him a genius. Bit far.
Genius. He put his @venmo # and has over 225 donations already pic.twitter.com/V6lhbnLh5O — NCAAF Nation (@NCAAFNation247) September 10, 2016
Crowder's sign prompted over 250 people to send him money via Venmo after the GameDay sign went viral this morning. The sign simply read 'Hi Mom! Send beer money. SamC2270.
Am I missing something? This just doesn't make any sense to me.
I guess I'm not the only one who's confused because the donators had some pretty varied responses as well.
Looks like this guy's sorted for the semester. Or maybe just the weekend.