Guy's Heartbroken Snapchats After Breakup Will Make You Want To Be His Rebound
Breakups can be the most difficult and tumultuous periods in a young person's life.
Suddenly, someone you were tremendously close to and intimate with is excised from your life. You're then left adrift in the harsh, brutal desert that is the world.
Um, that was intense. I think I'm going through some stuff.
OK, so Snapchat user Azam was broken up with. But instead of doing what normal people do -- namely drinking white wine in bed while masturbating to sad memories (right?) – he proceeded to Snapchat a series of extremely creative, extremely sad and extremely copious puns about his heartbreak.
I don't really know what to say about these, other than remind you to admire them for their cleverness, grace and emotional heft.
And there are so many of them.
So many.
He apparently has an ENDLESS supply of sad breakup puns.
They say we are at our most creative when our hearts are broken.
This young man proves that this saying is true.
Also, those are a lot of keys, Azam. Are you Mr. Monopoly?
I'm assuming here that Mr. Monopoly has tons of keys because, like, he has a lot of different properties.
Although, you know, maybe he has people who hold his keys for him: building manages and supers and the like. They probably just let him walk into the buildings he owns without saying anything because he is so recognizable with the mustache and top hat and cane and monocle and the like.
To add to my theory that he is Mr. Monopoly, look: He has a chandelier.
Who has chandeliers?
I'm just imagining him walking through his house, picking up random things and making puns about them.
This is further evidence of that picture.
Damn, this one is good.
I'm just going to let him take it away with these:
I hope you find love, Azam. I really do.