This Video Perfectly Sums Up How 'Fifty Shades Of Grey' Will Ruin Lives
Ever since "Fifty Shades Of Grey" hit bookshelves across the world, women have been coming forward with sexual desires they never talked about before.
As Joe Santagato so eloquently explains, Mr. Grey gets off by "duct taping [Anastasia's] tits to the floor" and "beating her with lamps."
More or less, this sums up the plot pretty accurately.
Now the book and movie have couples everywhere asking each other, "Is this something you'd be into?"
I don't even want to know the answer to this question.
But, as you watch this video, you may reconsider your desire to see this film; Santagato really rips it apart and with good reason.
All you single people out there, as well as those women who want to change their men, can catch the film when it hits theaters on Friday.