KFC Immediately Deleted This NSFW Ad After People Freaked Out
The Internet has given a lot of companies the opportunity to reinvent their brands to make them seem cooler than they actually are, which is how we ended up living in a world where Hamburger Helper has one of the hottest mixtapes of the year so far.
The relatively unregulated world of social media has given a lot of brands the chance to try out some unconventional advertising strategies with varying degrees of success.
KFC Australia decided to take advantage of the Internet's obsession with sex by attempting to tease the upcoming release of new products with the following tweet containing more innuendo than anyone ever asked for.
Based on how you interpret the image above, either no one told that couple hot sauce makes terrible lubricant or KFC is preparing to unveil a new "Hot and Spicy" chicken option to its roster (based on the evidence, I was going to guess jerk chicken).
Because the Internet is the Internet, people immediately began to react with varying degrees of outrage and amusement.
I'd be surprised to hear any Australians were genuinely offended by this ad based on everything I know about Australia, but that didn't stop the account from taking down the tweet and issuing an apology.
Citations: The dirty bird! KFC slammed for ad showing a woman reaching into a man's blurred lap... and even proudly labelling it #NSFW Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3541113/KFC-Australia-slammed-uploading-extremely-NSFW-image-Twitter.html#ixzz45uS3JPX4 Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook (Daily Mail)