This 'Millennials Of New York' Parody About Your Coffee Addiction Is Too Real
Thinking about anything other than the election this week is pretty much impossible, and yet we'd already filmed and made this video for "Millennials of New York" about a girl who is, uh, addicted to coffee.
Seems pretty frivolous now, I know.
Maybe it will help you feel SLIGHTLY less terrible about what's happening in the world right now.
That's wishful thinking. Let me revamp my hope: Maybe it will distract you for two minutes before the reality of this world whiplashes back into your brain and paralyzes you with fear once again.
Sorry, I'm being a bummer -- which, I guess, defeats the purpose of this video as a silly distraction.
Anyway, this video is about a girl who doesn't do drugs, as she confidently explains.
She's not a judgmental nerd or anything, she just doesn't NEED drugs when there are so many other simple pleasures to be had.
Namely, coffee.
She's addicted to it. When she doesn't have it, she lashes out with manic fury at her roommate, Justin (played by an actor also named Justin, by the way).
It's a commentary on the fact that our caffeine addiction is widely ignored.
And yet it bears plenty of similarities to other addictions.
The strongest "stuff" comes from South American countries like Colombia.
You get a headache when you haven't had your coffee.
Not being able to get it makes you irritable.
Yup, the similarities are endless.
That was a lie. I mustn't lie. Lying is what made Trump president. The similarities aren't really endless, but there are quite a few.
And those similarities are funny, which is basically the point of all this.
Sorry, just had a quick cry.
I hope you like it, and I hope it gives you a moment of peace before you have to wander back into the fray.
Godspeed, my fellow citizens. It is OK to despair. I love you.
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