
Stephen Colbert Can't Keep It Together In Hilarious 'Mindy Project' Bloopers

by Alec MacDonald

There is basically no one on this Earth more likeable than Stephen Colbert, which is weird considering for a decade he pretended to be a bible-thumping, gun-loving, conservative superhero, and there is probably no better evidence of Colbert's likability than the bloopers Mindy Kaling shared of him when he was on her show.

He did a stint on "The Mindy Project" as a white-bearded priest before he took the reigns of "The Late Show." In the show, he had to do a scene where he gives a eulogy at a funeral.

Apparently, his talent for keeping a straight face, which seemed unparalleled (I mean, dude straight-up testified before congress IN CHARACTER), was completely shattered by Mindy Kaling's script-writing skills.

He couldn't get through a couple sentences before having an utter giggle meltdown. The lines that caused him such trouble were:

Let's all bow out heads for one final prayer for Father Francis… I know some of you called him, quote, 'a decrepit bag of bones'… or 'the boring wizard.'

Yeah, Colbert COULD NOT HANDLE THAT. I mean, it's definitely a funny line, but I really want to know what exactly (a memory? a deep love of "LOTR"?) it was that broke him when little else ever could. Perhaps we shall never know.

Don't worry, though, Colbert had a clip of his own ready to throw back at Mindy Kaling. Watch the video and find out.