9 People Who Definitely Wish Leap Day Didn’t Exist This Year
Every four years, the world is blessed with an extra day at the end of February, because even though time is a social construct, we still haven't figured out a way to make every year the same.
Considering it only happens every four years (and also considering I was in college four years ago and don't remember a lot from that time), I'd forgotten that Leap Day was such a big deal until the Internet kept talking about an episode of "30 Rock" I'd also forgotten.
This probably has something to do with the fact that I also watched "30 Rock" back when I was in college.
However, based on the person I encountered today who showed up at the building I was in for an interview scheduled for March 1st, February 29th is just not everyone's best day.
Here are a few more people who probably wish we'd just skipped right to March.