
Someone Went From 3.6 Million Instagram Followers To 8 Today. Eight.

by Connor Toole

Earlier this week, narcissists around the world were shocked to see their follower counts on Instagram plummet after the company deleted millions of spam accounts.

The move, dubbed The Instapurge, was particularly embarrassing for people who had paid for followers to boost their credibility, such as rapper-turned-pastor Ma$e, whose follower count tumbled from 1.6 million to a comparatively tiny 272,000 before he deleted all records of its existence.

Website 64px compiled a list of the 100 biggest accounts on Instagram at the time of the deletions to see which major players didn't belong there in the first place.

Celebrities like Justin Bieber and 50 Cent took a little bit of a hit, but their losses were nothing compared to the casualties suffered by a (now-deleted) account with the name "chiragchirag78."

Before The Purge, the account boasted a follower count of 3,660,468. After everything was said and done, its number of disciples was trimmed down to a slightly smaller number: eight.

That amounts to 99.9998 percent of its total followers and a difference of 3,660,460 people, also known as "more than the entire population of the island of Puerto Rico."

Let's see what Vice President Joe Biden has to say about it:

I think that basically sums it up.

Citations: A list of the top 100 instagrams who lost a ton of followers. (64px)