This Guy's Twitter Rant About Being Broke AF Is Almost Too Relatable
We've all been there.
You go to school, work your ass off and maybe squeeze in a little sleep, only to see a paycheck come in at the end of the week that barely covers the gas you use to get your tired ass to work.
To add insult to injury, it seems there's a new list every minute promising "innovative" ways to help you save money. The only problem is no one under 26 is buying $5 lattes every day, because for that much you could buy, like, 20 packets of ramen!
So, yeah, being a broke AF Millennial sucks, but at least there are a few Twitter saints to help us make light of it.
One such ray of sunshine is Twitter user @WeNotSocks who recently went on a hilarious rant about what it really means to have no money whatsoever.
Keep reading to see what we mean.
Wait, but what is this"raise" thing he's talking about???
If you're going to be mean, at least buy me a smoothie or something first.
We're free to never spend money again! How did I not think of that first?
Like food trucks right next to port-o-potties.
When you're so broke, your phone literally dies.
That direct deposit high is intense.
This is called a survival strategy.
Easy peasy? More like difficult, difficult, lemon, difficult.
And then you die! For the complete list of hilarious tweets, head over to BroBible where they've got all the tweets.
Citations: Bro Tweets A Hilarious Rant About The Vicious Cycle Of Being Broke (BroBible)