6 Solar Eclipse Party Ideas To Celebrate This Astronomically Rare Occasion
To say that the level of attention this solar eclipse is getting is astronomical would be an understatement. Even those who wouldn't normally pay attention to the oddities of the solar system are feeling the hype, and we're all trying to figure out the best solar eclipse party ideas to live up the historical event.
But here's the thing. A total solar eclipse happens when the moon says "excuse me," and wiggles itself between the Earth and the sun. To these guys, the passing is totally casual, but to us mere earthlings who can actually sit and watch, it's pretty monumental. Even though the actual event is over and done with in just about a half hour or so, according to NASA, that doesn't mean you want your friends in and out of the house by 2:30 p.m. tops. If you're going to throw an epic solar eclipse banger, plan on celebrating long into the night.
So, whether you're all about astronomy, or you're just looking for an excuse to party, here are a few ways to upscale all the solar eclipse parties you're about to see spamming your Insta feed come Monday afternoon.
1. Add SunChips As An Appetizer
Sunchips Original Wholegrain Snack, $3.19, Target
Because the sun will still be out when the party begins, what's more appropriate to snack on then SunChips? I dare you to finish the entire bag before the moon blocks out the light.
2. DIY Your Own Pair Of Viewer Specs
If only it were simple enough to walk outside your door Monday afternoon, look up at the sky, and view nature at work. But no, science has to make things difficult and spook us with the very probable odds that viewing totality without the proper protection will literally burn our eyes. What a drag, right?
Invite your gal pals over early so that you have enough time to design your own safe shades. How's that for solar flare?
3. Actually Watch The Solar Eclipse Happen
I mean, might as well, right?
Now that you're prepared with protective eyewear (and if you're too unmotivated to make your own, I strongly suggest purchasing a pair if you plan to watch the scene unfold), gather around outside or at your window to watch the solar eclipse (aka history in the making).
4. Play Flashlight Tag
Now that all the lights are out, let's really get this party started. Have your friends bring over a fully charged flashlight and let the games begin.
If you've never played this childhood classic, allow me to explain. Shut off all the lights in the house and dub one person “it.” Have everyone scatter and hide while the finder attempts to identify your location in the dark using his or her flashlight.
Just make sure prior to playing that everyone accounted for isn't afraid of the dark.
5. If You're Really Into Astrology, Make The Soirée Spiritually Themed
There are some people who think a solar eclipse can alter the human body and the way we behave, while others believe the event has a lot of positive spiritual meaning tied to it.
If all this talk of stars and spirits has you feeling some kind of way, make yoga attire and mats mandatory, and help one another find your true zen.
6. Serve Moon Pies For Dessert Because It Doesn't Get More Festive Than That
Box of 12 Chocolate Double Decker Moon Pies, $15.59, Candy Favorites
Moon Pies, Milky Ways, and Starbursts are a handful of the brilliant dessert options you can share and swap toward the end of the night, because what's the point in throwing a party if you can't be a little corny?