
These People Are Pausing Their Lives To Actively Spread Trans Hate

by Marquaysa Battle
NOM Twitter

It's 2017, no?

Still, the LGBTQ+ community has the toughest time simply living their lives because much of the world is hateful and (obviously) quite bored.

Everything from their personal Youtube videos, to the toilets they use is always up for critique. You would think that would get old but...

Now there's an entire activist group hell-bent on convincing the world that trans people deserve constant vitriol in the form of a nationwide tour.

Here are a few fast facts about this, um, initiative.

1. The activism group is the National Organization For Marriage (NOM).

Their website describes their mission as:

The NOM Education Fund's mission is to conduct research, public education, and strategic projects that promote an understanding of marriage as the union of one man and one woman. The NOM Education Fund also helps to protect the religious liberty of traditional faith communities.

2. NOM held its first DC March For Marriage in June 2016.

The march protested not only the legalization of same-sex marriage, but also the belief that former President Obama attempted to "redefine gender."

3. They also have a whole tour bus dedicated to protesting transgender people and same-sex marriage.

The tour, called the "#FreeSpeechBus Tour," began on Wednesday March 22 has traveled everywhere from the Trump Towers in New York to United Nations to the Massachusetts State House.

And they had the nerve to make their bus Nickelodeon orange. Just stop it.

4. Protestors vandalized it to support trans rights because: fuck yeah!

NOM responded by tweeting, #gottolerance?

No, it appears those who are pro trans rights don't have tolerance for hate. Being trans is all about love and inclusivity.

5. NOM spokesperson, Joseph Grabowski, believes being transgender is a "disorder."

Right. Just link gender identities that you disagree with to mental disorders. Because that's totally fine and not disrespectful to both trans people and those actually suffering from mental illness. Like at all.

6. They also want people to "Dump Starbucks" for being "the most LGBT friendly in the US."

The line is certainly already drawn at dehumanizing the LGBTQ+ community. That is quite enough. But this ish is worth mentioning. Any organization calling for an end to Starbucks has lost its ever-loving mind.

You spew hate speech about the LGBTQ+ community AND want to screw with our lattes?

Double. No.