Lesbian Couple Turns Into Disney Princesses For Dreamy Engagement Photos
When I lived in Florida, I couldn't help but notice how much all my lesbian friends loved Disney. Two of my closest friends, a hot lesbo couple in their early 30s, even got engaged at Disney World.
I must confess, I don't get it. For a while, I thought maybe it was just a Florida-lesbian thing to love Disney. Alas, I was wrong.
Yalonda and Kayla Solseng of Glyndon, Minnesota seem to love Disney even more than my Florida gays. And considering Florida is the mecca of all things Disney, that's saying a lot, kittens.
The two women called on Taylor Snyder Art & Photography and Sun & Moon Photography to create a fairy-tale-themed engagement shoot, shot at Glyndon's very own Romantic Moon Events Center.
The two lovebirds, who made things official on September 3, 2016, told the Huffington Post they were inspired by their favorite show "Once Upon A Time."
“That show rewrites fairytales and this was our modern-day fairytale,” Kayla explains.
Kayla dressed up as Belle from “Beauty and the Beast,” wearing a voluminous yellow ball gown, while Yalonda dressed up as Cinderella and sported a blue dress.
These baes met online on the dating website PlentyofFish (which I've tried as well, for the record, but I didn't meet my Cinderella — just an aggressive woman with a chip on her shoulder).
The two girls arranged their first date at a nightclub and, in typical, lesbian fashion, hung out every single night after that.
In fact, they were super lesbian and got engaged after only nine months. (Look, you straight people can judge us all you want, but we lesbians like to U-Haul, honey. We don't have commitment hangups like the rest of you do.)
Yalonda proposed to Kayla after a day "on the slopes" in Switzerland (Yalonda was studying abroad), which I think is super fucking chic, don't you?
You know what else is chic? Yalonda presented Kayla with a fairy-tale book, which she WROTE and ILLUSTRATED based on their personal love story.
“At the end, I asked Kayla, 'Will you be my happily ever after?'” Yalonda told the Huffington Post. “Of course she said 'yes' and cried.”
They had a fierce lesbian wedding in early September at the same venue that they shot the Disney photos.
I don't know about you guys, but I enjoy two ladies who go for two white wedding dresses. It shows a lack of diva-ness, and it's rare. Though, to my future wife: I WILL BE THE ONLY ONE IN THE DRESS. DON'T STEAL MY MOMENT, OK?
The cutest (I never say cute, but this is CUTE) part of this whole thing is that the two brides really hope to inspire queer couples everywhere to fall in innocent, storybook love, despite the lack of gay visibilty in children's movies.
Yalonda told the Huffington Post,
Gay marriage has been legalized in the U.S. for over a year and we hardly have gay or lesbian characters in children's movies ― let alone them being main characters, Kids want to be the characters they grow up with but when none of the characters represent you, then you feel alone. I want our photos to be shown to kids and families as a way of saying it's okay to be who you are. It's okay to be with the person you love.
The two beauties' enGAYgement pictures were shared on the queer-centric Facebook page "Have A Gay Day" and have accumulated over 17,000 likes and over 8,000 shares. Even my lesbian oral sex guide doesn't have that many likes. I guess love is the most powerful force of all, right?
I wish these Disney darlings a long and happy lesbian life together. And if it doesn't work out, send me those princess dresses! I might not be Disney-obsessed, but those dresses were chic AF.
Plus, I've been known to rock a costume or two in my day.