
This Simple Hack Will Naturally Make You More Productive In The Morning

by Melissa Chu

Here’s a question: Do you hate cliffhangers or love them?

I hate them.

It’s like that moment when you were little and someone (your mom, teacher, whoever) was reading you a story.

Just when it got to the good part, he or she slammed the book shut and said, “You’ll have to wait until tomorrow to hear the rest.”


Or you watch a TV episode, and just as the show comes to an end, a new plot development arises. (Thanks a lot, screenwriters.)

Well today, we’re going to use cliffhangers to our advantage.

I’m going to share a technique to get yourself productive at the beginning of the day.

You’re going to love it.

How the page-turner technique works:

If you’re like me, you probably find it easy to keep working once you’ve gotten into the groove of things.

But when it’s early in the morning and you haven’t touched your work in a while, you probably don’t feel like working.

In fact, there are three things more tempting to you than putting your head down and working:

  • Checking your email: That’s quasi-work, so it counts right?
  • Watching a viral video or something to keep you entertained until you really feel like working.
  • Chatting with your neighbor. What better way to start the day than to socialize?

Sound familiar?

This is where my “page-turner” technique to productivity comes in.

So, imagine hearing part of a story and having to wait until you can hear the rest of the story.

You just can’t wait, and wonder what will happen on the next page.

You can use the “page-turner” technique to productivity when you’re doing something.

So, if you’re working on a project, just leave it partially done or jot down your next steps in mind for the next time you sit down to work.

For instance, if I’m in the middle of writing something (such as this post), I’ll just leave it partially done and have a few bullet points in mind for the next time I complete writing.

Or, if I manage to finish writing this piece, I’ll have a task set out for myself the next day.

Either way, I write down something I need to do before the day is over.

This keeps me looking forward to doing something the next day.

This keeps my upcoming task in the back of my mind as it brews.

As it sits there, a new idea might pop up, or I might think of a better way to approach the task when I sit down.

How to apply this technique:

First, think of a goal you’d like to make progress toward.

For example, let’s say you’re looking to draft some cold emails to send out for whatever reason (a request, job opportunities, etc.).

Your aim is send out five to 10 emails a day.

So you send out a few emails on Monday. Then what?

You could have one of the following to-dos:

  • A list of people you want to reach out to the following day
  • A few companies in mind from which to grab contact names
  • A few emails saved in “Drafts” ready to go

The most important thing is you keep the momentum going each day.

At the end of the day, plan out a couple of things you need to do for the next day, while it’s still fresh.

Even if you’re not successful or face setbacks, keep the pipeline moving regardless. Don’t stall and wait to hear back. Just keep moving.

You want to continue having a “page-turner” at the end of every day.

So instead of waiting for inspiration or staring at your screen wondering what you should do the next day, you’re ready to go since you know what you should be doing.

What if a task can’t be left partially done?

But what if whatever you’re working on has to be finished in segments?

Let’s take fitness for example. If you’re walking or jogging outside, you can’t just go halfway and decide you want to stop (hopefully not, anyway).

So, how do you create an incentive for yourself to keep exercising the next day? By making yourself feel obligated to continue where you left off.

For instance, if you’re jogging and reach a certain landmark, you can pinpoint another landmark and make it a point to reach the further landmark the next day you go jogging again.

Another way to create a “page-turner” is by leaving your running shoes and a pair of socks out in a space that is impossible for you to ignore.

Instead of putting away your shoes, put them near the door and place your exercise clothes near your bed, so you can pick up where you left off.

Now, it’s your turn:

You’ve just seen me use three examples of the “page-turner” technique to induce productivity.

Now it’s time for you to put this technique to the test.

What is the biggest goal on your mind you’re looking to achieve? What can you do to make yourself want to continue right where you left off the day before?

Melissa Chu writes at, where she helps people live better and get more productive. To learn how to get more done and achieve your goals, join the free newsletter.

This article was originally published on