These Are By Far The Sickest Frat Houses In The Country
Fraternity houses have played a major part in history, I mean just look at all the movies based around frat life: Animal House (1978), Revenge of the Nerds (1984), Old School (2003), Brotherhood (2010) and countless others.
Last week, we looked at the sickest sorority houses in America, so now it’s only appropriate to look at what this country has to offer for fraternity life. Check them out below:
University of Southern California: Phi Sigma Kappa
USC Phi Sigma Kappa recently did a renovation that landed them a feature in the LA Times. This once disgusting house received a complete and utter makeover. What sets it apart from the other houses on campus are the two-story windows at the entrance. Where frats usually tend to be secretive and secluded, this remodel wanted to focus on transparency.
Florida State University: Pike
This is the biggest fraternity house in the entire nation; it even has a turf courtyard. This U-shaped house has the most ridiculous football tailgates on campus, equipped with live music. Home to 165 brothers, this is definitely the house to check out on your college visits.
Maryland: OZ
They’re off campus so they don’t have a regular chapter house; instead, they have a house called Complex where all of the sophomores reside. It’s literally a huge brick house filled with smaller apartments. Every room in the house is a single. The best part is since it’s not a “real” house, there’s no supervision.
Every guy can’t wait to live in this house. They even have a house Instagram you can follow (@Complexagram) and a Twitter account called @The_Complex with the epic bio description: Opening our house to a town that's opened its legs for us since 2010 College Park.
Penn State: SAE
This honor undoubtedly belongs to the “men” of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. This frat puts all other PSU frats to shame. Conveniently located on Beaver Ave, this house has prime location, as it’s closest to town and campus. This doesn’t stop this frat from throwing down and hosting epic day-longs on their vast lawn any chance they get.
Syracuse: DKE
Even though the most pretentious d-bags live in this house, it doesn’t stop its architecture from having a breathtaking effect. Alum Dick Clark purchased the house way back in the day. The staircase alone is worth about a million dollars. W.T.F.
Vanderbilt: SAE
Before the house was overcome with asbestos, this frat castle was the sickest house on campus. These southern gentlemen tend to rage a little too hard, but what else would you expect in a house like theirs? Currently, they are trying to renovate their chapter house because of these problems. As of now, the only open functioning rooms are the kitchen and chapter room.
Wisconsin: Kappa Sig
This castle sits comfortably on a hill that overlooks a dock and a lake. The water right behind Kappa Sig adds a whole new dynamic to partying. In terms of casually swimming, we don't recommend it, as nobody knows what's lurking in that water.
University of Oklahoma: Phi Gamma Delta
The men of FIJI at University of Oklahoma are known for throwing the most massive ragers and being the biggest d-bags. It's hard not to be a prick when your house looks like this one.
Michigan: Was SAE Now PSI Upsilon
This house, or should I say castle, had to be the coolest house Michigan had to offer until its chapter was suspended for hazing. Now the sickest house on campus would have to be that of PSI Upsilon. Despite its ridiculous amount of trash citations, this house still stands significant.
University of Central Florida: Sigma Chi
This frat is actually a huge white mansion, boasting two-story high columns and amazing architecture. It have a basketball and volleyball court. The frat held the best tailgates on campus in their huge downstairs recreation room,t where they fit about 10 tables for beer pong and flip cup.
Indiana: Beta
This house resembles a country club. Any guy, despite his affiliation, knows and accepts the fact that Beta is the nicest looking house on campus.
University of Georgia: Delts (Delta Tau Delta)
DTD is one of the nation’s largest social fraternities, and they have the house to prove it, as this house can hold a good majority of its chapter.
Alabama: Pike
Everything is better in the south, or so it appears to be. The Pi Kappa Alpha house at this school is something of a monument.