How To Know Which Zodiac Sign You Really Are When You're Born On The Cusp
"I know it says I'm an Aries, but when I read the zodiac sign descriptions, I always feel like a Pisces!"
I hear tons of variations of this phrase from people who are born on the cusp of signs.
You might feel lost in a sea of confusion, wondering which side to cling to, longing for answers.
But have no fear!
People born on the cusps of signs often feel out of place when they read about their zodiac characteristics.
If you're born three to four days before or after the cutoff between signs, you might feel more like you're a mix of the two.
Here's how it all breaks down:
Aries-Taurus cusp (April 19 to April 20)
If your birthday is on the Aries side, your agro-Aries nature is probably a bit more stable than a typical ram.
You're probably also a lot better at completing tasks, and you're more concerned with material comfort.
If your birthday falls on the Taurus side, you may come off to others as being erratic. You are compulsive, yet stubborn, and you may be accident-prone, either physically or socially.
Taurus-Gemini (May 20 to May 21)
If your birthday is on the Taurus side, your stable, practical personality will be imbued with an extra shot of intellectual curiosity, and you're probably a lot more likely to strike up a conversation with a stranger.
You love the company of others more than a "regular" Taurus.
If your bday falls on the Gemini side, you're more likely to apply your Gemini curiosity to practical concerns rather than intellectual pursuits.
In other words, you'll care more about knowledge you can USE.
Gemini-Cancer (June 20 to June 21)
If your birthday falls on the Gemini side, you probably have a tough time distinguishing feelings from facts because you're a little more sensitive and reserved, and you could have a tendency to project your feelings onto situations.
If your birthday is on the Cancer side, you're likely to be a little more detached than a typical Cancer, thinking often about your feelings as you experience them.
Having a personality that tends toward favoring nostalgia (a typical Cancer trait), you love telling stories and hearing them.
Cancer-Leo (July 22 to July 23)
If your birthday is on the Cancer side, you're a little more outgoing and willing to share your gifts and creativity with the world.
You're probably not as shy as a typical Cancer, and you are eager to share your thoughts and feelings with the world at large.
If your birthday falls on the Leo side, you're a little more reserved than other Leos and are probably more comfortable nurturing the creativity in others.
You are also a little more insecure about your self-expression.
Leo-Virgo (August 22 to August 23)
If your birthday falls on the Leo side, you are most likely more of a perfectionist when it comes to the way you express yourself.
Everything you say and do passes through a filter of self-criticism. You aren't insecure; you're just precise.
If your birthday falls on the Virgo side, your perfectionist characteristics have been lightened up a bit by the silliness of Leo traits, and you're more likely to be more playful and less serious.
Virgo-Libra (September 22 to September 23)
If your birthday falls on the Virgo side, your logical perfectionism is softened by a dreamy romanticism.
You probably find yourself procrastinating personal tasks to reach your relationship goals, and then criticizing yourself for that.
If your sun is on the Libra side, you'll be more discerning about the kind of people you invite into your life, and you may have a bit of a judgmental streak in you.
You're likely to be a strict enforcer because of your Libran desire for everything to be fair in your life.
Libra-Scorpio (October 22 to October 23)
If your birthday is on the Libra side, you combine your Libran ability to look at every side of a situation with the Scorpio's ability to get down to the bottom of what motivates people.
This results in the incomparable skill at getting down to the truth.
However, you may be in denial about everything you know since Libras want to think the best of others.
If your birthday is on the Scorpio side, you're more of an idealist than a typical Scorpio, a sign that is more skeptical of others.
You're probably more willing to forgive than other Scorpios as well.
You feel things on an incredibly deep level but also have the ability to look on the bright side.
Scorpio-Sagittarius (November 21 to November 22)
If your birthday is on the Scorpio side, your dark moods are relieved somewhat with an ability to remain optimistic about the future, or at least to keep a sense of humor about it.
You're endowed with the ability to make the best of a bad situation.
If your birthday falls on the Sagittarius side, you appear to others as having a bright outlook on the world.
But deep down, you have an emotional understanding of what is really up with people. You know it's not all sunshine and roses out there.
Sagittarius-Capricorn (December 21 to December 22)
If your birthday is on the Sagittarius side, your impulsive need for freedom gets reigned in by a natural practicality and desire for a stable and responsible life.
If you were born on the Capricorn side, you're more likely to decide to go after a career that'll provide you with a solid financial future and the opportunity to make the world a better place.
You may not be as ambitious for power as you are for fulfillment.
Capricorn-Aquarius (January 19 to January 20)
If your birthday falls on the Capricorn side, you probably have a more quirky sense of style.
Instead of just wanting to fit in in an orthodox way, by say, climbing to the top of a corporate ladder, you're likely to want to stand out in a unique way.
You're also probably more witty than a typical Capricorn.
If you were born on the Aquarius side, you take everything a little more seriously than the typical Aquarius, a sign that usually has the ability to remain more detached.
You feel an innate sense of responsibility in life, and you take your responsibilities seriously.
Aquarius-Pisces (February 18 to February 19)
If your birthday is on the Aquarius side, you are more likely to have a hard time distinguishing your own thoughts from your daydreams, as the two are likely to be fused together.
You're much more intuitive than the average Aquarian.
If your birthday falls on the Pisces side, you're able to visualize your dreams and intuitions more sharply and see your goals more clearly.
You have an intuitive understanding of technology and are more detached than an average Pisces.
Pisces-Aries (March 21 to March 22)
If your birthday is on the Pisces side, you'll find that you are bolder than a typical Pisces, ready to take your dreams and turn them into action.
Where most Pisces prefer to just dream about their goals, you want to actually make something out of them.
If your birthday is on the Aries side, you'll find you're a little more sensitive to others than a typical Aries, and you're slightly less sure of yourself.
Instead of a ram, you're more like a lil' baby goat.