How Each Zodiac Sign Deals With Anger Varies, But It Can Reveal A Lot About You
It’s complicated, to say the least.
Anger is a complicated emotion — one that is often seen as something we should suppress or hide altogether. However, anger is completely natural and actually healthy to experience. Getting angry is a huge part of being human, and while you shouldn’t allow the ability to control you, it’s important to allow space for it to exist so that it doesn’t come out in unhealthy ways. Emotionally, we can all relate to the emotional ups and downs that are the human experience, despite not always honoring these feelings. There are people out there so angry, you'd think someone pissed in their coffee this morning. There are others who refuse to admit they're angry through a smile and a nearly busted forehead vein, because they’ve been taught that anger should be suppressed. Astrologically speaking, how each zodiac sign shows anger definitely varies, and a lot can be learned by the way you show yours.
You might think that because you're a Pisces, anger is an emotion that you simply don’t experience — but trust me, it’s in there somewhere. Since Pisces is a mutable water sign, though, Pisceans likely don’t stay too angry for long. Despite how you express it, your anger is valid and is deserving of a healthy outlet. Astrology can assist in many different ways, based on the sign that your sun is placed in. So if you’re looking for a way to better understand your anger, look no further than the stars.
Aries: Explodes With Anger, But Overcomes It Easily
Aries is a fiery cardinal sign, so they tend to be masters at expressing their anger. Ruled by Mars, Aries individuals express their anger quickly and assertively. Since Aries is a cardinal sign, they aren’t ones to hold a grudge, but they do tend to explode with passion when they are upset. If you’re dealing with an angry Aries, just wait it out — they’ll get over it in no time.
Taurus: Slow, Boiling Rage
Taurus is known for being slow and steady, so they tend to be very slow to anger. They often take a bit of a passive-aggressive approach at first, since Taurus is ruled by Venus, but once they do get to the point of anger, be sure to run for the hills. Taurus’ symbol is a bull, and their fixed sign nature makes it hard for them to let things go once they’re fed up. These individuals have to learn how to express their anger once they feel it, instead of suppressing it for so long. As fixed signs, it can take them a long time to overcome their frustrations.
Gemini: Sarcastically Argues Until You Forget Their Original Point
When a Gemini is angry, they tend to express it in a playful, lighthearted manner, despite the fact that they may be serious. Since they’re extremely witty, expect curt responses, a lot of talking with their hands, and a possible sharp tongue if they’re really upset. Since Gemini is ruled by Mercury, they tend to argue with people for fun, so it’s never something to be too intimidated by. They love a good debate, but because they’re a mutable sign, they may forget why they’re even arguing in the first place. Since Geminis are excellent at writing, texting (and not sending them) or journaling is a great way for them to release their anger without hurting anyone’s feelings.
Cancer: Passive-Aggressive Emotional Outbursts
Cancers are ruled by the moon, and the moon is definitely not an angry planet — but it does rule over sensitivity and emotions. Cancers aren’t the best at expressing their anger, and tend to take a passive-aggressive approach. Like a crab, they can easily get defensive when they feel attacked, and have difficulty communicating their feelings in a calm manner when something’s upsetting them. These individuals must learn how to communicate their feelings in a productive way without coming off as accusatory in order to really be heard.
Leo: Pride Can Easily Get The Best Of Them
Since Leo is a fixed fire sign, they tend to adhere to their frustrations long after the argument is over. They’re also not one to admit to any wrongdoing, so don’t think you’ll be telling them about themselves too often — they likely won’t be listening. Since Leo is a sun-ruled sign, they tend to take the high road as much as they can, because arguing isn’t cute, and they have better things to be doing.
Virgo: Will Correct You Until You Simply Give Up
Virgo is a sign all about facts, so if you’re arguing with them, make sure you have all of your ducks in a row or they’ll make you feel less than smart. These individuals actually live for a good debate, but they’ll never admit it. They love to be right, and an argument gives them the chance to shine. As a mutable sign, they don’t stay mad for long, but don’t expect them to take it easy on you. They get irritated pretty quickly because people are just so incompetent, but overall, they’re pretty laid-back. If you’re a Virgo, the best way to deal with your anger is by acknowledging that no one is perfect — not even you.
Libra: The Most Passive-Aggressive Of Them All
Libra is the least confrontational sign of the zodiac, so they will legitimately do everything in their power to keep the peace. They’re excellent at mediation though, so if two of their friends are fighting, they’ll be right there ready to calmly listen to both sides of the story. Libras have to learn how to confront their anger head on, instead of running from it. They can practice this by exploring their angry feelings via communication with others, and remembering that their anger is valid — even if people don’t agree with it.
Scorpio: Quietly Seethes Until They Combust
Scorpio feels things very deeply, so anger is a very intense emotion for them. Since they’re a water sign though, they tend to take a quiet approach to dealing with their anger — until someone sets them off, that is. Scorpio is a fixed sign, so they tend to suppress their anger until they simply can’t contain it anymore. Ruled by Mars, they’re a lot more calculated than you think, and will seek revenge in a way you probably didn’t see coming. It’s important for them to find healthy ways to express their anger, like finding something they're passionate about and channeling their frustration through that.
Sagittarius: Their God Complex Can Sometimes Work Against Them
Sagittarius individuals are all about knowledge, and when they’re angry, they tend to get a bit “preachy.” They love to drop wisdom, but they’re not ones to get traditionally angry; they would rather share their views and beliefs with you instead. Since they’re a mutable sign, they tend to get distracted easily, so don’t expect them to stay perched on their soapbox for long. They like to get their point across and move on to something else.
Capricorn: If It Doesn’t Make Sense, They Won’t Engage
Capricorns are all about productivity and logic, and since arguing and exploding with anger doesn’t often appear productive, they tend to not participate. What they will do is make you feel silly for getting so upset. They may snap at you for something they find immature or silly, but they tend to keep it pushing. Mars is exalted in this sign for a reason — they deal with their anger through working hard and achieving success in their lives.
Aquarius: Tends To Have A Detached Approach To Anger
Aquarians are all about expressing themselves in their own unique way, and that includes anger. They aren’t ones to yell and scream, but they do tend to chat your ear off with why they feel like you were wrong in that moment. Ruled by Saturn, when arguing, they can come off a bit like they’re scolding you, but overall they just want to share their opinion about a situation and move on. They hate when their actions or behavior is challenged, so unless you’re looking for a fight, I wouldn’t try to call them out.
Pisces: They Simply Don’t Stay Upset For Long
Pisces is the most adaptable sign of the zodiac, so their anger tends to melt away almost as soon as it begins. Since they’re so sensitive, they tend to play the victim in arguments, instead of acknowledging their own wrongdoing and taking accountability. This is where their Jupiter-ruled nature can come in, feeling as though they can do no wrong, even though in reality we all do. They also tend to be in denial about feeling angry, so it’s important for them to honor those emotions when they come up, in order to steer clear of being passive-aggressive and emotionally manipulative.
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