8 Easy And Cute Pumpkin Carving Ideas For Your Dorm Room
During the holidays, when you're away at college, you may be a little homesick. You're away for the first time, but that doesn't mean you can't still celebrate like you are back at home. You can even decorate your dorm room like you normally would. If pumpkin carving is a tradition for Halloween, you can always get your roommates together to do just that. It will be a fun way to bond with your roomies as you reminisce on days when you would carve pumpkins at home with your family. Plus, there are a ton of easy pumpkin carving ideas you could do.
When you don't have a lot of space in a dorm room, you don't have the luxury to get crazy with pumpkin designs, but you don't need something crazy anyway. You may not even have the tools available in your dorm, but there are a ton of easy pumpkins you can do with things you would find in a dorm room. It also doesn't have to be so basic like the traditional jack-o-lantern face. It's of course up to you, but here are eight easy and super cute pumpkin carving ideas that you can do for your college dorm room.
1. Painting A Sesame Street Face On
This idea is super simple, because all you have to cut out is the mouth. That's easy cutting that you can do with a simple knife. The painting on the pumpkin is what gives it character, just like these Cookie Monster and Elmo pumpkins, but you can do this idea for any character!
2. A Simple Circle Design Around The Pumpkin
These pumpkins are super simple to make. You just need to decide on a design and poke little circles around the pumpkin. Nothing too elaborate, but the pattern is what makes it look cool. Especially with a little light inside the pumpkin, and you can use an LED candle instead of a real flame in your dorm room.
3. Using a Cookie Cutter
It's so easy, why didn't we think of this before? This idea calls for a cookie cutter that you lightly hammer into the pumpkin to get a super basic shape cut out. It's easy, but you definitely need to be careful with the hammer.
4. Using Golden Brads
This video have a few ideas for simple pumpkin carvings, but the first one is a brad pumpkin. You just stick a bunch of golden brads in your pumpkin and create a design. It ends up looking bedazzled. This is great for anyone that doesn't want to do crazy carving in their dorm room, and also likes sparkle.
5. Easy Jack Skellington
A fun twist on the traditional jack-o-lantern pumpkin carving is to do the ultimate Pumpkin King, Jack Skellington. This design is super simple and easy to carve for anyone that has carved a pumpkin before. You could even watch The Nightmare Before Christmas while carving this with your roomies.
6. Rainbow Crayon Pumpkin
This is also a no-carve pumpkin idea for those that don't have access to good carving tools in your dorm. All you need is crayons, white paint, and a hairdryer. You can melt a cool rainbow design on your pumpkin.
7. How To Easily Make Teeth For Your Pumpkin
If you're like me, you've made some mistakes while carving your pumpkin. Luckily, there are ways to save anything you mistakenly cut out that you shouldn't have. This video gives you some simple pumpkin carving hacks, like using tooth picks to stick things back in that you cut out of your pumpkin, like teeth.
8. Donut Pumpkin
This video has some great ideas for decorating your pumpkin, but my favorite is the donut pumpkin. It's an easy way to just decorate a pumpkin if you can't carve anything out. The puff paint sprinkles are a great added touch. If you do want to carve with this one, you can carve out the donut hole so you can put a nice light inside your pumpkin.